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Two new front office openings. Who here wants in?


Position: Los Angeles Angels of Anaheim, Director, Quantitative Analysis

Description: This position is responsible for developing and overseeing the research and analytics initiative within Baseball Operations, reporting to the General Manager and Assistant General Manager. Angels Baseball is an equal opportunity employer.


Position: Los Angeles Angels of Anaheim, Baseball Information Analyst

Description: The Los Angeles Angels are seeking a Data Scientist for the team’s Baseball Analytics group. The Baseball Information Analyst will work closely with the Director, Quantitative Analysis and our analytics team to research, develop, and test mathematical, statistical, and predictive models that support Baseball Operations. Angels Baseball is an equal opportunity employer.





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I think the Scioscia doesn't rely on stats or believe in stats is the biggest AW FACT of all of them. Oh and by AW FACT I mean not really a fact but something people tell themselves on here to get a simple answer for a difficult question.

You're right. And it's right there next to "reporters fabricate quotes for page clicks and therefore the persistent narrative that Scioscia has more power than any manager and exercised it to diminish Dipoto is a total lie".

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Jerry Dipoto will never get another job as a GM.

Well, maybe he will someday, but not for a long, long, time..because, really, who is going to hire some dude who quit.

There was basically one guy that was singing the Dipoto would never get a GM job song.

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Jerry Dipoto will never get another job as a GM.

Well, maybe he will someday, but not for a long, long, time..because, really, who is going to hire some dude who quit.


The Mariners.  Whether or not he got another job is irrelevant.  The fact is that he "quit."  Quit is not a pretty word, and it's not a word you wants to associate with sports.  In my mind getting "fired" is better, at least in most cases you tried your best, but it wasn't good enough.  When you "quit" you give up.

Edited by tomsred
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This whole "quit" thing is very Benghazi-like. 


To me it looked like he had no place in the organization, and he left.  Somehow the Scios-ghazi guys want to turn it into an ethics debate.


for some reason the Jerry worshipers keep bringing it up

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