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tdawg87 last won the day on February 28

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About tdawg87

  • Birthday 03/06/1987

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    Eating, drinking, and being fat.

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  1. I don't care if this motherfucker hits 80 homeruns. It doesn't mean shit. Unclutch fuckbabby.
  2. Tbf this is mostly because @Inside Pitch schooled our stupid asses for years about him.
  3. Maybe the baseball product is the friends we made along the way.
  4. Both are correct. Wash should have used someone else. But Suarez was expected to simply not give up 4 runs. That said, if the score is still 2-0, the Angels don't score 5 runs, at least not in the manner they did. Being up 6 runs, Baltimore is going to have an entirely different approach than if they're only up 2 runs. Trout probably gets pitched differently. Ward the same. I'm not excusing the decision to bring in Suarez. I'm just saying it's easy to say the exact scenario would have played out on offense when there's no way you could possibly know that.
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