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  1. 16" x 20". Shipping from Oregon. When I shipped it home from AZ, FedEx had a specific box for this kind of thing, so that's what I'd default to.
  2. Not sure if anyone checks this thread, but if you or anyone you know would like this Trumbo print, it's yours for the price of shipping. I won it at the AW fanfest in 2014 so it would be cool to go back to someone in the community. I know Mark's a local kid. It's been stored indoors, but is a bit dusty. I didn't want to use anything more than a swiffer on it, so you will have to figure out how to clean it.
  3. Big, if true. I find it hard to believe he'd be so blatant, but maybe he stayed quiet out of deference to Scioscia. Now that he's unmuzzled it's time for that New York "Big Dick Baseball" (cc: @Dochalo)
  4. It's difficult to draw conclusions about successful team building without also seeing the same graphic for non-playoff teams.
  5. Jeff, you have to understand, this is all very new to us.
  6. The fact that it was a listed qualification on a abbreviated list makes it seem that way. It's also, by itself, a pretty standard platitude - "team first rah rah rah"
  7. I have that bottle opener - I gotta dig it up...
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