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Utley Suspended for Games 3&4


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I honestly don't understand how he can be on 2B when he never touched the bag. That needs to be fixed. 





EDIT: Mets Manager: "Broke my shortstops leg. That's all I know."


He came in pretty wide IMO as well...


EDIT 2: Umpiring HS ball, I look for slide directly at the bag and foot below the knee. Other than that it's at the umpire's discretion for malicious contact. How was that any different than running into the catcher? 

Edited by laagamer
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Utley should be suspended for it, plain and simple. He had no intention of touching the bag. He practically tackled the guy. If you watch the replay, Utley lowers his shoulder before he goes into Tejada. That's not a take out slide, that's a tackle. Absurd if nothing gets done about it but MLB usually does nothing anyway.

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Howie up...7th inning...and as he's done dozens of times before...grounds into an inning ending double play....except the 2B has to go a little too far...and throws poorly to SS....who has to reach out...missing the bag,,,and Utley breaking his leg.


Other than those few little things at the end...Howie is what Howie is...

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The call re: Utley never touching the bag, comes back to replay. The call on the field was that the runner was "forced out" at second base. The logic of replay dictates that if the call on the field is disproven, then the opposite must be true. Once the umpire 'incorrectly' rules the runner out the rest of the play is played 'in theory' i.e. with the assumption that Utley would've touched the bag had he not been called out.

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Giavotella was almost broken in two by Odor. Utley should be suspended for the rest of the season. The commissioner needs to ass slam one of these clowns and the rest will protect their paycheck.

Oh and **** the Dodgers.


They need to stop incentivizing it. The rules clearly benefit the Utley play. He won't be suspended, he won't be called out, and plays like this will continue to win teams games. That will only change when they stop forcing the infielders to make contact with the base while trying to turn two, and they force runners to start their slides at a point before the actual base.

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It wasn't a slide. It was a takedown. Utley waited until he was practically on top of the bag before basically flopping down on the ground. And looking back at his history, it's not the fiirst time Utley has done something similar.


**** Utley and **** the Dodgers.

Edited by Mark68
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It's hard for me to fault the on field umps too much.  Things do happen quickly.


I fault Utley and MLB.  


The slide was dirty.  **** Utley for that.  


The replay umpire should have the authority to call Utley out because the "slide" was dirty. They review flagrant fouls in the NBA.  Why can't MLB do something similiar?

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The fact that Tejada broke his leg is irrelevant.  It's simply not a legal play because Utley didn't make an effort to touch the base with the slide.  And if there are rules protecting catchers who wear all that shit, why are middle infielders left to fend for themselves?


I agree with the injury being irrelevant.  That is one thing that bugs me about the NHL. They actually suspend guys based on how long the injured player is out.  


The rules protecting middle infielders are coming.  The way MLB has been lately, I expect it to be in effect next season.  

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