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  1. From my conversations it appears godly white men definitely approve
  2. I'd say 7/2 is a realistic shot. Still don't see how Trump is any better than Hillary. Every criticism of HC can be applied to Trump. The same can not be said the other way around
  3. They acknowledge I'm brighter than them. As far as the biggest trump supporters on my crew, I bang their wives/girlfriends in my spare time. And they thank me for it.
  4. The conservative thought process. Every rational part of me says this guy is exposing the base republicans created. I honestly didn't think it would work and doubt Trump thought it would actually work. At some point people should say "He's clearly taking advantage of us right now and will continue to take advantage of us in the future". Bernie Sanders didn't have the greatest plans in the world, but I'll take 100-200k/yr politician over a billionaire. The billionaire most definitely screwed more people along the way than a politician fighting for what he genuinely believes. Right or wrong I believe Bernie meant what he said. Trump is a pathological liar. Yea, this all paints a bad picture for registered republicans. I can't help it I call em like I see em. What a bunch of idiots.
  5. See right there. Conservatives think Donald Trump is a step up from politicians. He's apparently more honest, less greedy, and cares about the american people. Even though he's spent his entire life lying and leveraging to get his way screwing the little guy all the way. I'm shocked conservatives are this stupid. I was raised on small government and family values. Trumps neither of those things.
  6. In a lot of ways I like Trump. I'm surprised Republicans elected someone who's clearly boosting his own brand, I say some mean shit but I gave cons more credit than that. So did Trump, who probably never dreamed he'd be elected and only intended to get his name in the paper. He's probably drinking champagne right now thinking "They're dumber than I thought" The national election should be a landslide.
  7. I'd sacrifice my job for that….
  8. Oh like Trump didn't know a klan rally in the south side would turn ugly. I say bull****
  9. 250? Daaaaaaammmmmmnnnnnnn. I've worked out of town for as long as 3-4 months and more than make ends meet with a modest per diem. It's a huge perk to a hard job. I couldn't imagine a big city like waikiki, san francisco, etc. on 250/day… But Trump has gone well beyond the dog whistle and the silent majority. His rallies have resembled white trash raves for a while, I'm not surprised violence is breaking out now. Never underestimate the power of stupid people in large groups.
  10. And their position on operation keep darky down.
  11. Anyone else hear this "High end bird hunting" place is really a brothel? Scalia going out Odom style? I choose to believe this conspiracy theory.
  12. I think history clearly indicates everything Cals said. Scalia was a prick and America won't miss him.
  13. Everyone run to your nearest bit coin supplier! Offshore sites list Kasich ~40/1!!!!
  14. 1. Kasich 2. Sanders 3. Clinton I have more faith in Kasich restoring sanity to the right wing of the country than Bernie getting much of what he wants. i think Sanders has our countries problems pegged but I have my doubts a 74 year old jewish socialist will gain enough of congresses support, even if he wins the national election. If we're stuck with re-runs I'll roll the dice with clinton. While my politics are closer to hers on paper, I'm not tremendously impressed with her accomplishments in politics and I have my doubts about her electability with so many half-truths floating around. Im pretty sure her politics are similar to mine because polling numbers tell her this is what swing voters like. Kasich's the safe bet. Balanced budgets, cut fat and create programs that in the long run prevent wasting taxpayers money. Practical and bipartisan conservative. It doesn't really matter that I don't agree with everything he believes, the presidency is a job and he's the most qualified candidate with a much needed approach to federal government. But if any chicks ask I'm voting for hillary
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