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I don't know the guy, but I really don't think Mike Trout has much interest in being involved to that degree, or even if he is, he'd be too humble to ever ask that. 

I'm sure if the team went to him he'd offer some input, but even then I can't see him saying anything beyond "well if it's good for the team go for it"

Think the dude just wants to play baseball. Of course he wants to win and is an intense competitor, but I don't even think he's the type to be pissed off, frustrated, or demand to be somewhere else if the team isn't winning. He just enjoys what he does.

Posted (edited)

I think the Angels should let Trout do whatever that lets him believe he has a uniquely favorable situation.  If he wants to be involved in big organizational personnel decisions  that’s fine with me.  The guy is the franchise. 

Edited by UndertheHalo
3 hours ago, Torridd said:

...to have input in their free agency process, that is, give an opinion regarding who he thinks would help the team?

Yes 100% he is the Angels best player he better get some input.


For those who say no I am curious why not? I get that people don't see Trout as the person who would ask for that kind of responsibility. But that's not the question. The question is would you give Trout the ability to give his input into free agency. 


If you ask Trout for input into personnel decisions, what you'd really be doing is asking his agent for that input.  Trout doesn't seem like the kind of guy who follows the business side of things, or has any interest in how a front office runs a team as long as they're trying to improve the team.  Sure, he could tell you to go after every guy he knows is an impact player, but that's no different than what the average fan would suggest.  It's not like he'd be analyzing stats and coming up with a game plan for who to fit in under the budget.


"Hey Mike, do you think we should go after Machado?"

"Yeah that dude is awesome."

Very useful.


Mike would probably be concerned that the FO is looking to him for opinions on how they can improve the team. He goes out there to play. It's the FO's job to get players to help the team win.


See I disagree with both of your sentiments. I feel we are living in an age where the athletes want more input on the organization. You are seeing this a lot in the NBA right now, you are seeing it with the NFL players as well wanting more say, again I don't know if Trout is that guy, but that isn't the question if he is that guy and wants to be in the room because really he is the only all star on our team who has played with these top stars, do you want the Angels to listen to him. My answer is 100% yes. 

8 minutes ago, Kevinb said:

See I disagree with both of your sentiments. I feel we are living in an age where the athletes want more input on the organization. You are seeing this a lot in the NBA right now, you are seeing it with the NFL players as well wanting more say, again I don't know if Trout is that guy, but that isn't the question if he is that guy and wants to be in the room because really he is the only all star on our team who has played with these top stars, do you want the Angels to listen to him. My answer is 100% yes. 

So if the Angels disagree with him ... now what? 

9 minutes ago, Kevinb said:

See I disagree with both of your sentiments. I feel we are living in an age where the athletes want more input on the organization. You are seeing this a lot in the NBA right now, you are seeing it with the NFL players as well wanting more say, again I don't know if Trout is that guy, but that isn't the question if he is that guy and wants to be in the room because really he is the only all star on our team who has played with these top stars, do you want the Angels to listen to him. My answer is 100% yes. 

Ok, so you want to give the players, who you have already stated don't care about the minor league players, input into free agent signings?  That is a huge logic fail.  

27 minutes ago, Stradling said:

Ok, so you want to give the players, who you have already stated don't care about the minor league players, input into free agent signings?  That is a huge logic fail.  

It’s not a logic fail. Do you think what is going on with the NBA is bad? The counter point to that is the players have zero say and zero control of what’s going on is that what you would want? 

29 minutes ago, Stradling said:


How is that exactly. Is that how discussion works? The Angels front office disagrees with him and he’s now pissed? Just like in life if you disagree it isn’t the end of the world. But his voice was heard and he has input which is what I would prefer. The more input Trout has with the Angels the more he feels respected, the more he is invested in the Angels. 

3 minutes ago, Kevinb said:

It’s not a logic fail. Do you think what is going on with the NBA is bad? The counter point to that is the players have zero say and zero control of what’s going on is that what you would want? 

The next time the Lakers call up a future all star or hall of fame player from the Defenders then this will be a relevant comparison.  

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