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14 minutes ago, Kody Mac said:

Wouldn't it just be so sweet to pass them in the standing before the end of the season? Is it even possible?

and give them the higher draft pick? I hope not

1 hour ago, CanadianHalo said:

Teammates fight, not a big deal.

Unless of course you play for the Angels, where no one seems to give a sh!t about anything. Show up, dick around for 3 hours and pick up your game check!

What a fucking joke 


Question for idiots trying to work an angle here.

Has there been ONE mention of a closed door meeting under Eppler's tenure?

Better yet, has there been one report of our current GM quitting because he couldn't get along with upper management? 

I'll sit here and wait for your responses. All day and night. 

6 minutes ago, Chuckster70 said:

Question for idiots trying to work an angle here.

Has there been ONE mention of a closed door meeting under Eppler's tenure?

Better yet, has there been one report of our current GM quitting because he couldn't get along with upper management? 

I'll sit here and wait for your responses. All day and night. 

Chuck, they are idiots as you mentioned.  They won’t respond because facts and them aren’t friends.  

I can imagine someone in year 19 sitting behind a keyboard being super proud of themselves for a lasagna joke.  They type it out, they smirk to themselves, they read it again before sending it, and they think, “Nailed it”.  


I'm getting old, tired and cranky and I cannot take anymore BS to be honest.

I get shit because I'm overly optimistic. Burn me at that the facking stake.. I like to hope every spring that our team...OUR TEAM, has a chance. If you want something objective, I'm not your guy. AJ is a good middle ground dude, but he's been a friend and contributor for years and we all respect him.

Be that as it may. C'mon dudes. Let's be in one accord for 2019. For once. If Sosh is gone, you have no excuse. 

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