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Jose Bautista's Bat Flip


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I loved it. With all the emotion that was going on I don't know how you don't flip your bat there. 


Is it disrespectful? yea probably. Will he get hit next time he faces the Rangers? Probably.


As a fan though that was awesome. Those types of emotions are better for the sport than just calmly rounding the bases. 


What did you guys think?

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I think sometimes guys can be straight up disrespectful....and that can be lame.  But this was a super emotional game and a huge moment.  I had no problem with it.  In fact, I think baseball can do with a little more raw emotion.  Whats the unwritten rule for that situation ?  Its impossible to navigate entirely whats right and wrong with that stuff.  Bautista was just wearing his heart on his sleeve and it was fantastic entertainment.

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I'm sorry but if you didn't like that emotion go watch friggin golf now that tiger is gone.  After what happened to them the prior inning, and the general emotion of it all, i find no flaw in it at all.

Rangers or fans that don't like it, tough cookie... you liked getting over the previous inning on a lame call i haven't seen since t-ball.  Keep the ball in the yard you don't have this problem.

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I think bat flipping is a little out of control these days.  Guys need to act like they've been there before.  But in saying that, I liked Dallas Braden's comment last night...'If a pitcher doesn't want to get dressed up, keep it in the yard'.

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Who really gives a crap. Oh the poor pitcher making millions per year doesn't want to get his feelings hurt. Why are we so set in protecting the feelings of grown men? He should be able to flip the bat, point at the pitcher, and say take that $&?@!" The batter won and these are grown men. How they react to each other is up to what these grown men want to do.

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