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So it came down to Street's blown save?

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They won games they "shouldn't have", too.  A lot of things happen over the course of a season.


I would like to give a one fingered salute to all those that seem to think a mistake early in the season isn't a big deal... because it is just one game.  I don't sweat every lineup, pitching change, or roster decision.... but every one can make a difference.  

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I had this thread earlier - and of course there's those - WHAT ABOUT THE OTHER 70 games...blah blah blah.


The fact is that many of the losses were going to happen (like the Blue Jays killing us at home)...but when you get down to the nitty gritty...there's 2 games that stick in my craw...the had serious playoff implications because of the lateness of the season:


The Sunday 3-0, 2 out, 2 strike 9th inning melt down 2 game swing game vs. Houston


The last home game defensive implosion vs. the A's


Of course we did get 2 improbable W's (at KC and Saturday's rally) - BUT - I like to dwell on the negative...and that 2 game swing Astro Street blow up was the dagger...

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The Street meltdown is the same reason why we were able to comeback in Friday and Saturday games that most average baseball fans don't see.  Managers that over use their Closer.  In the blown save, Street had gone three games in a row. On the third game, Street had the flu. Instead of resting his closer Mike played him, We lost. It was the most runs Street have given up in his career. 


In the Friday's Texas win, Banister used his Tolleson his fourth straight game. What happened?  The Angels scored in the 9th and won.  What's even more absurd, the next game, Banister used his closer again on 5th straight day, What happened Aybat and Kole hit back to back homeruns. Using his Closer 5 days straight days may have cost Bannister manager of the year award.  

Edited by ispy45
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