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Just now, totdprods said:

I was touting Donaldson from the start - only because I thought Rendon would be too costly. 

Lets get one of them, Cole, a very catcher, and trade for another arm. 

Or sign another arm!

If Arte is dead serious about going all in he truly may have no limits this off season

8 minutes ago, CanadianHalo said:

Or sign another arm!

If Arte is dead serious about going all in he truly may have no limits this off season

Name a better offseason then this one to go all in? You have trout in his absolute prime prime. You got the best pitcher in baseball in his prime and one of best hitters and defenders in his prime. The time to go all in is now!

1 minute ago, Make Angels Great Again said:

Cole, Donaldson, and Ryu.


If that were to happen, TDawg's bunk would break.

I would be happy with this, or Cole, Donaldson and MadBum (Less likely)

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