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Some people can't afford to go to the beach

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and lawmakers want to change that:


Per the article: " The average cost of a one day visit to the beach was $22, not including parking or food, according to the study. And an increase of only $15, researchers found, could force many families to skip the trip altogether"

If $37 and the cost of sandwiches/food you bring with you is too much then you've got bigger things to worry about than the cost of a trip to the beach.  I grew up in a beach city and I realize that's a lot different than people who are ~10 or more miles inland some of which have never seen the ocean but we used to take the bus before we had cars to get around and that's still an option.  Just seems to me in the grand scheme of things this should be way down on the priority list of where time/energy of our elected officials goes. 


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Always a bone of contention here in NJ. Our beaches are midway between NYC and Philadelphia, so always crowded. Due to archaic laws, towns own the beaches, and charge a day use fee. They tried to regulate it so it was affordable, but they cannot regulate parking fees. A weekend day at Pt Pleasant will be $100 for a family of 4 just to park and get on the beach. Some towns keep outsiders away by having limited parking and almost no access points. They don't want other people walking by their houses to go on their beach. But when a hurricane or Nor'easter comes, and wipes out THEIR beach, they expect everyone's tax dollars to pay to fix it up. 

This war between the haves and have nots has been going on forever 

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2 hours ago, Catwhoshatinthehat said:

and lawmakers want to change that:


Per the article: " The average cost of a one day visit to the beach was $22, not including parking or food, according to the study. And an increase of only $15, researchers found, could force many families to skip the trip altogether"

If $37 and the cost of sandwiches/food you bring with you is too much then you've got bigger things to worry about than the cost of a trip to the beach.  I grew up in a beach city and I realize that's a lot different than people who are ~10 or more miles inland some of which have never seen the ocean but we used to take the bus before we had cars to get around and that's still an option.  Just seems to me in the grand scheme of things this should be way down on the priority list of where time/energy of our elected officials goes. 


where do they get the $22 number?


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26 minutes ago, Blarg said:

It has to be parking fees at the major beaches.

Per the article: " The average cost of a one day visit to the beach was $22, not including parking or food, according to the study. And an increase of only $15, researchers found, could force many families to skip the trip altogether."

No idea where they get the $22 from considering gas isn't that expensive.  Regardless with 1,100 miles of beaches in CA there are plenty of options where you can get to a beach and park for free but you have to be willing to walk.  Maybe taxpayers can subsidize segways so people in wife beaters and jean shorts can make it out to the beaches more, run into the water fully clothed and make sure they leave some trash behind. 

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4 hours ago, gotbeer said:

But it says not including parking or food. Do we have to subsidize gas, suntan lotion and blankets?  Maybe we should just make it like mileage for jury duty, and give $0.40 per mile.  But just one way.  Just to make it fair for everyone.

We all know that the people who can't afford the beach aren't the type of people who need suntan lotion. 

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