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Team arrival at John Wayne?


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Anyone have details on the teams  flight arrival. I want to go give them  my support. They fought hard and even though they came up short, this week was one of the better baseball weeks I have enjoyed. I'm emotionally exhausted so I can't imagine how they feel. I would like to go show my support for their efforts. They could have easily tossed in the towel two weeks ago and no one would have thought less of them. Instead they provided some of the most entertaining games I have watched in person or on TV since 2002.


I'm my opinion we have the beginnings of a solid core and if we can build around those guys we will be back winning championships. The character many players displayed this week is what I would like to build around. I didn't see quitters in there.  


Thanks Halos!


PM me if you prefer not to post it.



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This is not in keeping with message board behavior.  Code 101 is to always hover and fawn when the team wins, and offer no support to any losers.  Most of the posters on here believe they have a communicable disease by this point.

So maybe you can car pool out there together.

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 I believe in recognizing the efforts and fight the players put up this season.  I am not going to dwell on my own disappointment of their loss. I  know that is hard to understand for everyone.

Don't explain to us, save it for the airport police who are going question what the hell you are doing hanging out by the tarmac fence in the dark.

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Don't explain to us, save it for the airport police who are going question what the hell you are doing hanging out by the tarmac fence in the dark.


A thinly veiled shot at someone who doesn't want to wallow in your misery today?  And what's with the "us", you're the one who doesn't want to hear his explanation, try a "me" once in a while.

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