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White Lightning, Deliverence and The Longest Yard.  My dad liked Burt Reynolds so we watched most of the 70's flicks on tv, and he seemed to have movies on all the time for such limited viewing options.  Reynolds and John Wayne.


sharkey's machine

Good one. One of the few that I saw that I liked. I don't mess with comedies a lot although Best Whorehouse in Texas was good. (think he was in that)


Boogie Nights and Longest Yard.

I don't know what disturbed me more about Deliverance, the rape scene? Or the fact that Burt filled up his gas tank for less that 5 bucks.


He was Gator McCluskey in a few early to mid 70's flicks where he was running moonshine down south.  Pretty cool character, not the tongue-in-cheek tough guys that he played later.  More like the badass he played in Deliverence.  Check out White Lightning if you get the chance.  Ned Beatty plays a bad sheriff in that one (another connection with Deliverence).

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