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3 minutes ago, Sean-Regan said:

...and go to another PR disaster like Anaheim. 

I don't think Gerrit Cole or his wife are not in the know about the amount of Oxy that these ball players do and abuse. 

Sexist comments though coming from the front office (not a media guy working for the team), that's heavy. 


The guy could not look any douchier.

Thought it was cool to IN YOUR FACE to a bunch of women in the locker room about the domestic abuser being on the team.

SI picks up the story, offers the Astros to comment, they say, 'nah, pass'.

Story comes out, Astros just try to lie their way out of it.  Too many other other corroborating witnesses uphold the story.

Then the Astros try the 'blew it out of proportion/misconstrued' angle.  SI says, "hey assholes - we asked you for a comment before we ran it.  you declined.  suck it".


Then, after their lying didn't work, Astros go with the 'sorry if I offended anyone' routine.


F this guy




"Those that know me know that I am a progressive and charitable member of the community, and a loving and committed husband and father. I hope that those who do not know me understand that the Sports Illustrated article does not reflect who I am or my values. I am sorry if anyone was offended by my actions.”

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