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i'm very disheartened by dipoto's body of work now. i've, easily, been an ardent supporter, but i'm just not getting it anymore. this is a stupid trade, an incredibly stupid trade.


i really thought he was the one who was going to stop all the moronic operations the angels had in place, but he's not only continued it, but now made it worse. he's lost my support. if i were a board member, i'd be calling for a vote of no confidence. what a shame, i really thought he was the next friedman type.

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I don't agree with this at all. One move into the offseason and everyone want's him gone? Jesus, it's November, lets see what the team looks like in a few months.


It's what he did last year as well.  


This trade is another in a long line of bad moves this org has made and it proves he's clearly incompetent to be a GM.

Edited by Marsaka
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