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Grant Green Clears Waivers


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This is the last we'll see of him in an Angels uniform in all likelihood. He will probably be claimed by a team taking a flyer on him and we'll have to work out a trade or accept cash. If not he can leave after the season in free agency due to service time accumulation.


Bummer I had hopes for him one day.

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It's really no big deal because none of them have a future in the organization or would be on the postseason roster, but Green has more value than Joyce or DeJesus. Trading him in the offseason could at least have got us something in return, even if it's just an average bullpen prospect or something. The other two guys are just going to sit on the bench for a few more days then get released.

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It's really no big deal because none of them have a future in the organization or would be on the postseason roster, but Green has more value than Joyce or DeJesus. Trading him in the offseason could at least have got us something in return, even if it's just an average bullpen prospect or something. The other two guys are just going to sit on the bench for a few more days then get released.

Gritty veterans are hard to value...

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It sucks that he was never given a change by the Angels. I expect him to be a very solid player with his new team that doesn't have a weird grudge against him.

He was given plenty of chances.

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