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Game Day Predictions - Game #108 - 8/2/13 Blue Jays at Angels

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Post your predictions here for season game #108, 8/2/13 vs. the Toronto Blue Jays.  Game time is 7:05 pm PST.  The probable pitchers are Hanson ® vs. Redmond ®.  Winners from game #107, 8/1/13 vs. Toronto are shown below.


The following paragraph from The Rules goes into effect on September 1st.  This is a first reminder of that change.




Until September 1, 2013, duplicate predictions are allowed.  Starting September 1, 2013, duplicate predictions will not be allowed.  Should you predict the same entire prediction as someone did earlier, your prediction will be invalid, and the earlier prediction will stand.  Please review the submissions ahead of you each day before predicting. This rule prevents blocking whereby a leader could continually replicate a poster's prediction in second place to prevent relative change in position.




4 Points, 2 Points





3 Points


BatsnBeer  (Trumbo 2-4, 1 single)

2002_halos_II  (Trumbo 2-4, 1 HR)

SoCalSportsFan  (Trumbo 2-4, 1 single)



1 Point


HeavenlyHalos  (Kendrick 1 single)

Ochocinco!  (Kendrick 1 single)

Redondo  (Kendrick 1 single)

katrinab  (Kendrick 1 single)

ZachMartin1994  (Richards 7.0 IP)

tomsred  (Nelson 1 single)

paws  (Shuck 1 single)

AngelsAndRamsFan  (Trumbo 1 single)

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