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Vitamins and Herbal Supplements

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Who takes them, what do you take, what are the benefits, and what are the tricks/recipes?


I just started taking vitamin D and Turmeric. I'm also trying to figure out the whole coconut oil thing.


I have been mixing liquid Turmeric into my tea, but recently heard that I need either pepper or some sort of fat to activate it. I tried doing a half teaspoon of coconut oil in the tea, but that was gross a ****. Any suggestions?

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I do a pretty standard regime.

workout supps: the big three: whey protein (ive tried them all and my fav is ON double rich chocolate), bcaas (ON, powder), l-glumatine (ON, power) sometimes i use pre-workout if i want the extra caffeine jolt, or creatine mono schedule if im doing heavier-duty program. but usually just the main 3.

daily vitamins: multi-vitamin, zinc, green tea (in my protein shakes w the above), tonalin cla, and i do 3 teaspoons of virgin organic coconut oil a day straight (i don't mix it in anything as it makes things oily) for the MCTs.

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workout is pretty much identical to wicked. pre-workout if i'm feeling sassy, bcaa's (by the way i drink this shit regularly and not just during and post workout....i found a sugar free one that is legit), glutamine, and protein....with the protein i have a whey and an isolate, one's better post workout and the other is better before bed.

with vitamins, i'm like an old dude with diabetes because i carry around this pill box that consists of:

multi-vitamin, flax seed, omega-3, potassium (combats sodium for high blood pressure), milk thistle (for the liver), a pro-biotic, and i might be done with it, but someone gave me garcinia cambogia....i threw that in my rotation. i feel like i'm missing a pill or two, but that's kind of the rotation that i use.

another one that i got into that i don't always remember is in the morning i make a concoction that is basically cinnamon, tbsp of raw honey, tbsp of apple cider vinegar, warm water, and i juice a whole organic lemon. cleans out the system. 

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I do the typical workout supplements (whey/casein protein, glutamine, bcaa's) but the thing that helps me more than anything is melatonin and getting enough quality sleep.  I was having trouble concentrating at work and feeling fatigued until I stopped watching tv late in the evenings, at least during the week, and taking melatonin.  

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2 hours ago, Junkballer said:

I do the typical workout supplements (whey/casein protein, glutamine, bcaa's) but the thing that helps me more than anything is melatonin and getting enough quality sleep.  I was having trouble concentrating at work and feeling fatigued until I stopped watching tv late in the evenings, at least during the week, and taking melatonin.  

I have to fall asleep with the TV on. Otherwise my brain thinks of all the crap I have to do and I can't sleep.

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3 hours ago, cezero said:

i mix it with my after workout smoothies sometimes. when i put protein powder in them, it makes a weird consistency, but coconut oil actually boosts the flavor. i put raw ginger in, too. so good. 

ive done that a couple times too. agreed it works good in shakes.

doesn't mesh with hot things though. i tried it in coffee once, too greasy.

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1 hour ago, Adam said:

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that's why the chocolate flavor is the best.

bcaas are branched-chain amino acids. they stimulate the rate of and capacity for protein synthesis (ie building muscle), help with recovery, and prevent catabolism (ie losing muscle). 

most whey proteins have them, but i've had better results by adding them directly as a powder. 

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3 hours ago, mrwicked said:


that's why the chocolate flavor is the best.

bcaas are branched-chain amino acids. they stimulate the rate of and capacity for protein synthesis (ie building muscle), help with recovery, and prevent catabolism (ie losing muscle). 

most whey proteins have them, but i've had better results by adding them directly as a powder. 

Oh ok, I take those daily and a whey protein shake (Vanilla flavor) from Costco. Prior to workout I take this Creatine energy drink. I also take 2 1000mg L-Arginine pills a day. 

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