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The Myth of Conservative Patriotism

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1 hour ago, colt4405 said:


A large number of people who vote straight republican have simply bought into the marketing; Patriotic, Godly, Fiscal responsibility, etc. Think about it, if you don't vote republican you're a Jesus hating muslim who hearts welfare, hates america, and supports a genocide on the unborn.

Anyone who pays attention knows that is all bullshit. Insecure pussies who get their values from their peers do not.


You have an issue with grouping.  For instance, I am evangelical and I have not voted republican (or democrat) for the last 4 presidential elections.  None of my evangelical friends think I am a Jesus hating Muslim, nor do they think I heart welfare, or hate America and they certainly know I do not support the genocide of the unborn.


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Just now, Blarg said:

Colt has unresolved issues with his pastor passing the collection plate along to the strrippers and getting all of the attention.

Well considering that they were at St. Luke's school for wayward young boys at the time...

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13 minutes ago, colt4405 said:

Wow you guys are dipshits. The words evangelical, white, or christian did not appear in my post. Believe it or not this problem of the puffed up chest conservative goes beyond religion. It's about being tough, self sufficient, and yes righteous, but that applies differently for different people.

I read 21 out of 21 white NFL players voted for trump. Thats just the culture/mentality. Democrats have been demonized that badly, so badly that Ted Cruz can be seen as good. Trump can be elected president. 





There are way more than 21 white NFL players. 

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