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The second amendment

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We should enact a law making it illegal to shoot people.


hold on their buddy...stand your ****ing ground! don't back down to anyone. They get in your face, it's your constitutional right to take them out.

Edited by red321
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Outside of a few people on the fringe, has anyone actually called for everyone to surrender or give up their rights to own firearms?



My dad recently told me he's waiting for them to come to his door to take his guns and he'll go down with them.  He later conceded that was extremely unlikely but said he's prepared just in case.  I think he's hoping for Obama himself to show up at his door.

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Speaking of 2nd amendment, this gem was in my news feed this morning.


11 year-old patriot exercisin' his second amendment right:





On another board I occasionally post in, this article was posted with the headline "8 year old crisis actress allegedly shot by 11 year old."  I LOLed.

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i'm frustrated that the number of mass shootings isn't decreasing, but how in the wake of all of these shootings, both sides are dug in and who no signs of budging.


there have been several people who have called for an honest discussion about what to do with this enormous problem, but no one seems willing to sit down and begin that discussion. i'm afraid it's not going to happen to until a president's child is shot and killed for our country to finally start making movement on this.


with over 300 million guns in circulation, it's a foolish idea to think all of those guns can (or should) be taken out of circulation. it's equally foolish to dig in and say that guns aren't part of the problem.

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i'm frustrated that the number of mass shootings isn't decreasing, but how in the wake of all of these shootings, both sides are dug in and who no signs of budging.


there have been several people who have called for an honest discussion about what to do with this enormous problem, but no one seems willing to sit down and begin that discussion. i'm afraid it's not going to happen to until a president's child is shot and killed for our country to finally start making movement on this.


with over 300 million guns in circulation, it's a foolish idea to think all of those guns can (or should) be taken out of circulation. it's equally foolish to dig in and say that guns aren't part of the problem.


Can you tell me what person, "on the left", has refused to sit down and have a conversation on our gun laws? I missed the news report where Obama dropped his pants and told them to kiss his black ass, he wasn't gonna talk about no gun control policy with the other side.


When is the last time a "liberal" organization threatened members of the Senate and House for holding a hearing or debating gun policy...or providing funding for studying our guns laws impacts on society and public health?


After the Sandy Hook massacre the Senate wasn't even allowed to DEBATE a bill. Not vote on a bill, but just have a debate.





Sorry...this is not a "both sides do it" item.


Hell, at this point of the debate we actually have a presidential candidate, one of the leading candidates, suggesting that the victims are at fault because they didn't spontaneously band together and rush the gunmen...because the first reaction of everyone who is confronted by an armed gunmen is to move towards the gun.


"Not only would I not probably not cooperate with him. I would not just stand there and let him shoot me," Carson said. "I would say, 'Hey guys, everybody attack him. He may shoot me, but he can’t get us all.' "

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Yes, I know, guns don't kill people, people (with guns) kill people. By why is it that American people with guns kill far more people than any other wealthy nation? What's wrong with this country?

List might be flawed and biased...no?


Interestingly enough..Israel probably has the most gun owners(government issues them rifles) per population of any other country and they rank better than most of the European countries...

how do you explain that?

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List might be flawed and biased...no?


Interestingly enough..Israel probably has the most gun owners(government issues them rifles) per population of any other country and they rank better than most of the European countries...

how do you explain that?


How is the list flawed and biased?

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How is the list flawed and biased?


Because it ignores too many factors. 

Like how many gun murders are gang related?


And more importantly


If you're going to compare tiny European countries, then you'd be better off looking at gun related murders in each US state,..





Comparing the entirety of the US(320 million) to countries like Finland(5 million) is ignorance at it's finest.

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Because it ignores too many factors. 

Like how many gun murders are gang related?


And more importantly


If you're going to compare tiny European countries, then you'd be better off comparing gun related murders in each US state,..





Comparing the entirety of the US(320 million) to countries like Finland(5 million) is ignorance at it's finest.


Because it ignores too many factors. 

Like how many gun murders are gang related?


And more importantly


If you're going to compare tiny European countries, then you'd be better off comparing gun related murders in each US state,..





Comparing the entirety of the US(320 million) to countries like Finland(5 million) is ignorance at it's finest.

It would be interesting to remove cities like Detroit, Chicago and Washington DC and then see where the US ranks. I'm sure there is stat for it out there

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Because it ignores too many factors. 

Like how many gun murders are gang related?


And more importantly


If you're going to compare tiny European countries, then you'd be better off looking at gun related murders in each US state,..





Comparing the entirety of the US(320 million) to countries like Finland(5 million) is ignorance at it's finest.


You should be careful about calling something "ignorance at it's finest" when you don't actually grasp what you are reading.


A gun murder, is a gun murder...regardless of whether or not it is gang related or not.


It is gun murders per 100,000 residents, which takes in to account the size of the country. It's not total murders.


But fine...go ahead and use the comparison you want to.


The first European country to appear would be at number 47.





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You should be careful about calling something "ignorance at it's finest" when you don't actually grasp what you are reading.


A gun murder, is a gun murder...regardless of whether or not it is gang related or not.


It is gun murders per 100,000 residents, which takes in to account the size of the country. It's not total murders.


But fine...go ahead and use the comparison you want to.


The first European country to appear would be at number 47.







Do you realize how diverse and different each and every state is in the US? They could be countries of their own if they were in Europe.


You clearly missed(ignored) the point I was trying to make

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It's fascinating how the anti-gun lobby ignores other unnecessary causes of death. 


You guys would have a more compelling argument if, as part of your strategy, you showed concern for other victims no matter how they died. What about those who were stabbed to death with knives, killed by drunk drivers, killed with other blunt force objects, or poisoned? 


The idea that new laws against guns will change anything is silly.  Has everyone forgotten the weapon of choice at the Boston Marathon? 

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