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Obamacare/Trumpcare Horror Stories

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That survey is from the Physicians lobby... nice.


So it would only be credible if the insurance companies conducted the survey?


There are other surveys out there that communicate pretty much the same information, by the way.  No point in me finding them and posting the links because you'll automatically reject them.



For example, when the H1N1 outbreak came, most insurance companies lost money that year.  All those billions... gone.  Not to mention most of those profits get reinvested into the company for research to lower costs.


That's in part the nature of insurance and possibly the fault of the actuaries.  I'm not sure what you mean by "lost money" because the same could be said about all claims paid out. 


And if the insurance companies reinvest billions to lower costs, why does the consumer pay more and more and more?  I'm pretty sure an insurance company that actually lowered costs would make this known to the entire universe to attract new customers and preserve the ones they already have.  Yet, we never hear about that.



How many people do you know that have a 3-6k rainy day fund set aside for health care costs?


Almost everybody I know has at least that much in checking, savings, or available in emergencies from their 401k.



Like I said, now a days, the clerk that takes the appointments also handles all insurance claims now.  So if he/she spends on average 2 hours a day and makes 35k a year, that is $8750 per year spent on "dealing" with the insurance companies.  If they see on average 10 patients a day, and work 50 weeks a year, that is $3.50 per office visit to "deal with the insurance company."


So why do doctor's offices have 2, 3, 4 ladies working in the front office at all times who are not nurses?  One of them handles appointments and answers the phone. 


What do you suppose the others do? 

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I have no idea.  If they spend all their time "dealing with insurance companies" then they are wasting money.  As I said, it only takes a couple minutes to send in a claim.  From there the computer systems handle everything, from the invoice, to the payment, to the reconciliation.


They lost money meaning they paid out more in claims than they took in in premium.  They actually lost money.  That is why a profit margin of 5% is the bare minimum.  Health costs are so high that one bad year and they can be totally screwed.


Insurance companies have lowered costs by creating these computer systems, nurse lines, etc.  Physicians and drug companies have turned around and charged more to keep their cash flow coming in.


Again, no offense dude, but your assertion that insurance companies want higher medical costs is ludicrous.

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I think I have covered that in this thread.


By the way, the job of a lobby is to lie and exaggerate in order to get what they want.  That is why it is ridiculous to take anything they say at face value.


Not really.


And I'll bet your employer has hundreds of lobbyists on staff. 

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I am not getting my information from lobbyists.  I do this for a living.  I know about it.


Particularly the computer systems.  My primary job is implementing new connections, data integration, etc.  Right now it is Obamacare and enrollment/billing.


By the way, our company does not have anywhere near "hundreds" of lobbyists.

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I am not getting my information from lobbyists.  I do this for a living.  I know about it.


Particularly the computer systems.  My primary job is implementing new connections, data integration, etc.  Right now it is Obamacare and enrollment/billing.


By the way, our company does not have anywhere near "hundreds" of lobbyists.


You're getting your information from the biggest lobbyists of all -- insurance company insiders who are obviously biased toward their own interests. 


Why should we take your word on the financial and legal aspects of healthcare or insurance, when by your own admission you're some sort of tech/IT guy?  I'm not trying to be insulting...I'm just pointing out the obvious. 


Nobody is an expert on all fields and job duties within a big company or industry.  And that's OK. 

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In order for me to do my job well I have to know how our company works. I never stop learning.

You get your information from lobbyists. I get mine from doing the job.

Also, what I do now is not what I always have done. I have been exposed to just about every part of our business. How do you think I provide so much detail?

Anyway, obviously you aren't changing your mind. No point in continuing this argument.

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You know what's funny?


I've thrown lots of questions your way that you haven't been able to answer or even refute. Out of frustration you change the subject or attack the sources of my information coming from "lobbyists" when it's a mix of sources, including my own personal experiences and observations. 


Somebody as knowledgeable and experienced as you claim to be would not have such difficulty responding.  

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President Barack Obama, who has portrayed himself as surprised by technical problems with the government's new health care website, was briefed earlier this year on a consultant's report that warned of possible widespread site failures, the White House said on Tuesday.




While the government says it is improving the portal's performance every day, security experts told a Republican sponsored congressional hearing Tuesday that in their opinions, it is still not sufficiently secure to be used confidently by consumers.

Even as the administration fended off criticism of the so-called "front end" of the system, officials revealed Tuesday that they had not completed development of the "back end," the financial management component needed to finalize federal subsidies for consumers who buy health plans.

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California’s health insurance exchange voted Thursday to not allow insurance companies to extend policies that do not meet current benefit requirements under ObamaCare, despite President Obama’s “fix” last week.





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California’s health insurance exchange voted Thursday to not allow insurance companies to extend policies that do not meet current benefit requirements under ObamaCare, despite President Obama’s “fix” last week.





That's a real Obummer.  

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Lying is what our federally elected officials are SUPPOSED to do, especially Mr. President.  In this case, did the rich C&%ks$#kers that put pinocchio in office really think they could deliver this steaming load of crap on Americans?   Normally the lies are to get in office to do things like bombing the Sh%t out of countries selected long ago and doing anything else they can do to feed that monster, the Military Industrial Complex.

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