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I thought this thread was going to be about Tank finally eating meat.

Been there done that. Had a hot dog while golfing with Nate and Adam a few weeks ago.


Tell your daughter she can't like Harry. He's my favorite.

She'd walk barefoot on hot coals and broken glass for a chance to meet Liam, so you're safe.


Went well tonight. My wife took junior in to the concert, but I drove the there. I parked the car, went over to The Pantry fr dinner (meh), then returned to the car and read for a couple of hours. A good night for all of us.


Went well tonight. My wife took junior in to the concert, but I drove the there. I parked the car, went over to The Pantry fr dinner (meh), then returned to the car and read for a couple of hours. A good night for all of us.


Kudos for preserving your manhood by not actually attending the show. You got major dad points for buying the tickets and you kept your man card unscathed by not using them yourself. Well played, sir.


for winning dad of the decade award. i just bought my daughter two tickets to go to the One Direction concert tonight.

I'm not trying to read anything to do with boy-bands, so I'm sure I missed this answer... I sure hope you don't have to go with her..

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