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Are you supposed to tip for take out orders? I thought the drew brees story this week was a joke. They should be lucky they got the three dollars


If I have received no service, I don't see the point in kicking in extra. If all the person does is ring up my order and hand me the bag, how is that worthy of a tip? If I'm sitting at a table and the waiter/waitress checks by the table several times to see if I need anything, keeps my tea glass filled, etc., different story.


gratuity [grəˈtjuːɪtɪ]

n pl -ties
1. (Business / Commerce) a gift or reward, usually of money, for services rendered; tip
2. something given without claim or obligation
3. (Military) Military a financial award granted for long or meritorious service


tip 4  (tibreve.gifp)

1. A small sum of money given to someone for performing a service; a gratuity.
a. A piece of confidential, advance, or inside information: got a tip on the next race.
b. A helpful hint: a column of tips on gardening.


Society now thinks a gratuity is a tip.  They expect something given to them, instead of rewarded to them.


I used to do it at a family restaurant by our house because they always hooked us up but any other time I would never tip for takeout.


Mancini nailed it, if he left nothing it never would have been an issue.


I tip a dollar for take out orders, but not all the time. It is usually if you go there all the time, asking for extra sauce or salsa type of thing.

So you think that asking for extra sauce or salsa warrants a tip?


My approach has been that if I have to carry my order myself, there's no tip involved. This would include takeout orders.


While true, bartenders earn their income from tips while the dude at Togo's bagging sandwiches gets a set income from the employer selling drugs with his cousin Hector.


Apples and Bananas


Carrying cash these days, especially small bills is such a rare occurrence that when I do I'll leave a little something if I think about it. 


I love Starbucks' corporate dudes. Their credit card receipts don't even give you the option of tipping


The worst is this Chinese joint around the corner. They just put food in little cartons like any other food joint, but have the tip line on the receipt. I think they also still have a tip jar next to the register as well. What's worse is it's always cute immigrant looking chicks that look they just got off the set of those 19 cents a day infomercial.

It's like an instant guilt trip to even think about not tipping.

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