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He should come back and help the team. We didn't have enough GIDP and K's this week.


Salmon and GA both had it and neither one had surgery. They seemed to come back healthy.


I don't think it was a recurring thing for either Salmon or GA.  For Pujols, he's been suffering from it for years.  


I don't think it was a recurring thing for either Salmon or GA.  For Pujols, he's been suffering from it for years.  

I do worry that the recurring aspect has put a lot of pressure on his knees.   That can't be good, even if surgery is now not needed.


Hooray, we get shitty Pujols for the next 8 years instead of fixing the problem.



I think people are misunderstanding the message here.  Electing to not have surgery isn't some stubborn quest to return too soon.  I'm assuming "the partial tear did it for him" means that it alleviated the need for surgery, as the standard procedure is to partially cut the tendon to release the tension.


I think people are misunderstanding the message here.  Electing to not have surgery isn't some stubborn quest to return too soon.  I'm assuming "the partial tear did it for him" means that it alleviated the need for surgery, as the standard procedure is to partially cut the tendon to release the tension.


Ya, that's my understanding of the situation as well.

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