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2 hours ago, gotbeer said:

That was quite a good laugh.  But the Peleton looks good overlooking the beach and the two Porsche's.  

What happened to the third one?


we looked into a peloton and boy are they pricey. there's a monthly fee just to use the darn thing, not to mention a monthly fee if you don't have the money up front to pay for it all at once.

7 minutes ago, Tank said:

we looked into a peloton and boy are they pricey. there's a monthly fee just to use the darn thing, not to mention a monthly fee if you don't have the money up front to pay for it all at once.

Holy crap. I just looked it up, and it starts at $2,245. 

1 hour ago, Blarg said:

@mrwicked bought one so he could sit on it and look at the view of the bay. He doesn't ride it, just uses it like a bar stool. 

I'm pretty sure he bought three, just to hear the chick be motivational.


a guy I sing with is a CPA and he bought one for his office staff to use. they seem to like it quite a bit, mostly because they aren't the ones who have to pay to use it I'd imagine.

4 minutes ago, Tank said:

a guy I sing with is a CPA and he bought one for his office staff to use. they seem to like it quite a bit, mostly because they aren't the ones who have to pay to use it I'd imagine.

just what I'd want to see when I go to the office - a bunch of sweaty accounting chicks

11 hours ago, True Grich said:

Oh you have no idea...




4 minutes ago, Brandon said:

I thought this was going to be the parody video where the chick hands over divorce papers at the end because a dude bought one of the these. I had no idea this ad was viral, I can't even find the original video I stumbled upon.



"Alright, first ride. I'm excited, but a little nervous. Let's do this."

"Five days in a row.  Are you surprised?  I am."

"6 am. yay 😞"

Sounds like the first year with my wife.

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