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5 minutes ago, tdawg87 said:

This is the type of thing that would happen to an Angels pitcher, except they would have been hit directly with the tire.

Only the pitching arm.

Who keeps their cars behind plate glass windows?

15 minutes ago, Lou said:

Bauer buying a $300k car is like a guy who makes $75k/yr buying a $12k car.

not even close


1 minute ago, Jay said:

not even close


right. it doesn't even make a dent for Bauer.  the dude is making 13 mil per.  Plus, if he keeps that McClaren for several years it will hold it's value.  

Also, even on a percentage basis, spending 2.3% of your income on a car is much different for someone making the money that he does vs. someone making 75k.  

Even if he paid cash for the whole thing and nets 5mil on his 13m after expenses, he's still got 4.7m to spend or save or do whatever with.  

37 minutes ago, tdawg87 said:

This is the type of thing that would happen to an Angels pitcher, except they would have been hit directly with the tire.

And then need TJS on every joint on every limb.

1 hour ago, Brandon said:

Where's the totaled McLaren? I just see a tire sitting on the back end of a car.

The original source for the "totaled" detail is TMZ. Here's the original mention of it:

Sources familiar with the situation tell us the car is totaled -- but the good news, IT'S INSURED!!!


I remember a couple years ago parking my old Honda Civic at a Subway near the Long Beach Airport and lo and behold, a guy in a beautiful orange McLaren 675 parks in front of me. The guy gets out wearing old jeans and a t-shirt and walks to Subway to order a sandwich. I just stood there and looked at the car, unbelieving the scene. Took pictures but they were destroyed when an SD card in my phone somehow got deleted because of a glitch. But believe me, I saw it.

Retail cost for a new 675 is around $350,000.

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