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Angels fans: Of all the players who has played for the Angels, who do you dislike/hate the most?

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It could a player who signed big contract for the Angels and just plain sucked or a player who was drafted by the team. Josh Hamilton, his name comes up to mind as a free agent bust for the Angels. How about Gary Matthews Jr.? Or the worst player who I have ever seen play in Brandon Wood? Damn, Wood couldn't hit a lick. He made Mathis look like a star with the bat.

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Dave Hollins....  

Not only was this piece of human excrement one of Terry Collins' clubhouse goons, but when Glaus first came up he did everything he could to make his life miserable.  It was so bad that Preston Gomez felt the need to ask him what was going on ... only to have Hollins tell him that if anyone expected him to help someone gunning for his job they were nuts and that he would stop at nothing to make sure Glaus didn't take it.  Terry Collins BTW was okay with it because "the rookie had to learn his place".  Leave it to a guy that never played a single day in MLB to be the warden of what it takes to be a MLB player.

Anyway, the Angels traded Hollins before the start of 1999 for Tomas Perez.... he was released before the trading deadline.  To this day the only time I've been happy to see a guy's career come screeching to a halt.  

FU, Hollins

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Hackilton without a doubt, for the money and the attitude.

The Hollins story though puts him near the top.  It's one thing to put in the dues.   It's quite another to make a rookie's experience absolutely miserable.   He may have managed in a WS in 2015, but Terry Collins is still a tool.

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Gary Gaetti. Similar story to Hamilton. Only came here for the money. Never wanted to be here and played like it. Played like crap for 2+ years until he finally forced the Angels to release his sorry, moping ass. Unlike Hamilton; however, he left here and all of the sudden goes to a division rival in K.C. and puts up his best OPS in 5 years while the Angels were on the hook for 97% of his salary. Two seasons later, he even finished 10th in the AL MVP voting. In fact, he put up almost 6 excellent seasons after forcing his release after pretending he was done. First class jerk.

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There was a huge born again story with Gaetti too -- IIRC the dude blew out his knee in like 1988 and while rehabbing found God.  It was like overnight he went from being a boozing womanizing degenerate to walking around with a bible in hand trying to convert people.  Gaetti went from being the lead party boy to admonishing his teammates for their life choices, the situation supposedly drove him and Hrbek apart but where it became most evident was in his play.  As he rededicated his life to Christ and lost some of the fire to play he went from an OPS+ of 148 in his final season as a heathen to 88, then 76,  and to 86 in his first season as an Angel.   Gaetti was supposedly the original too blessed to be stressed Angel, it was said that when people would try to work with him he would rebuff them saying God had a plan and it would come together on it's own.   So anyway, part of his moping was supposedly because nobody wanted to have him preach 24/7, he didn't have a history with guys and many just tried to avoid him like the plague - it's sad because the guy was doing his best to live a good life and stay on the straight and narrow after basically wrecking his marriage etc etc.  Alas, the almighty apparently did have a plan..   Upon being released, it broke Gaetti, dude went on a bender and apparently after the stupor he did another 180...  this time finding greater balance in his life.   With the booze came the hits and everyone lived happily ever after.  

Last I heard Gaetti was managing the Sugarland Skeeters.  Maybe one day he and Hamilton can unite and share stories about their lives as Angels.


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Seems like a lot of psych issues at Third base over the years.

I never knew the Hollins story. I don't like how he handled it, but you can kind of understand his point of view.

For me, it is Hamilton far, far ahead of the pack as the biggest D-bag.

Runner up would be Tony Phillips for killing the 1997 season. Angels were doing quite well that season with Tony as a key player. He got busted with crack in mid-August, and with that arrest, the Angels season went right down the tubes.   

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7 hours ago, gurn67 said:

Gary Gaetti. Similar story to Hamilton. Only came here for the money. Never wanted to be here and played like it. Played like crap for 2+ years until he finally forced the Angels to release his sorry, moping ass. Unlike Hamilton; however, he left here and all of the sudden goes to a division rival in K.C. and puts up his best OPS in 5 years while the Angels were on the hook for 97% of his salary. Two seasons later, he even finished 10th in the AL MVP voting. In fact, he put up almost 6 excellent seasons after forcing his release after pretending he was done. First class jerk.

He went to (one of) my alma mater. While there he stole a bunch of shit from one of the administrative offices. Some of the old timers in the Athletic department said he was without a doubt the biggest piece of shit that ever went to the school. 

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Hollins, Gaetti were interesting toolish stories I had heard of through the years.... But, one was on the toolish baseball thug side and one was on the toolish Born Againers.... But, I disliked Luis Polonia and eventually Chad Curtis for their inappropriate behavior with minor females. That to me screams Po$ and athletes taking advantage of their stature and situations. 

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14 minutes ago, totdprods said:

Didn't Schoeneweis pull something shitty or say something dickish at some point too?

I remember something with Schoey about a comment or something he said! I don't remember the exact comment or situation.

But, being a dyck and being an absolute horrible human being and a Po$ is something else.... To me The druggie, and the 2 Pedi's come to me!

And for the lesser extent though I loved him as a player T Phillips had demons in his personal life and professional life as well.


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