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"Great" Movies You Hate


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I guess the "and I have no desire to change that" part was too subtle.

Seriously though, I just can't see myself opting for a Woody film over whatever I'm about to watch. He's like beets to me. I know I should try them, but eh.

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I guess the "and I have no desire to change that" part was too subtle.

Seriously though, I just can't see myself opting for a Woody film over whatever I'm about to watch. He's like beets to me. I know I should try them, but eh.


well taken, glen. reminds me of when bush 41 was president and people were giving him crap about not liking broccoli but yet loving pork rinds. he said something like "i'm a 61 year old man and i know what i like."

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Yeah, Midnight in Paris was solid.

I actually really rate Match Point. It was hampered because Closer came out at the same time and is the same movie. Great movie.

Scoop was not bad. Only watched it once many years ago.


Yeah I like match point too. Great movie.

My only issue is the dialogue can seem a bit over the top for those actors - like its hard to imagine them saying some of that stuff.

its like that show damson's creek from forever ago, where the 14 year old kid is spouting off this dialogue obviously written by someone much older.

But it's still awesome and very much woody allen.

But man scarlett is smoking hot in that.

Speaking of her, have you seen this pic of her from recently?

I think she looks goofy in that avengers movie but this shot at a bar is legit:



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  • 2 weeks later...

"A Room With a View."  At least, I've heard people say it's a great movie...  My girlfriend in HS dragged me to see it with her, and kept trying to wake me up by putting her hand down my pants.


*I can tolerate Woody Allen in small doses;  I really like "Shadows and Fog."

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Atonement (I'm assuming since it was nominated for an Oscar it qualifies as "good", if not great)


During the big dramatic divulge at the end, I actually burst out laughing and declaring what a waste of our time in the theater.


I also cannot understand how any person in their right mind can watch more than 2 minutes of an Austin Powers flick without reaching for the remote and bashing whomever turned it on over the head.


I'm also with Tank on Pulp Fiction



Oh...but tops of the list


Gone with the Wind.


What a bunch of whiners...seriously...you traitors lost the war, get over it.

They've spent 150 years not getting over the "War of Northern Aggression" (never mind who fired the first shots). It's hard for me to believe they ever will.

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i thought evita was pretty entertaining.

i still get some of the songs stuck in my head from time to time.

"on this niiiiiiiiiight of a thousand stars.... let me take you to heaven's door"

My favorite musical of all time was Jesus Christ Superstar. I know, me, the anti-religious heathen...just happens to be a good story (and some really good music). I like some of Webber's other stuff, like Evita, and Phantom.


I like some other ones, like Hair, and Grease. Usually the wife has to drag me to a musical kicking and screaming. And then I make her go see a sci-fi flick.

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I can't stand the horror genre.  While the other genres occasionally have a movie that at least entertains me, I can't stand horror.  I have no interest in being scared on purpose.

I will say this...if it's horror...in space...I kinda dig it (I put movies like Alien, Aliens, and Event Horizon...which I really love...in this category).


But, yeah, I have no use for the horror genre in general. Except Army of Darkness, which to me is kinda campy/dark comedy.

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Not a horror fan either. Paranormal activity was scary, but usually theyre just lame to me.

The movies that scare me are ones like contagion, things that actually could happen

Contagion was really scary to me, for that exact reason. Loved it, though.


Who needs gore and blood when real life can be scary enough?

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I feel like most of what Al Pacino did after The Godfather was overrated. I really liked GFII, and I really liked Heat.  


Other than that, all I remember is him screaming a lot. 


I feel the same way about Pacino. It seems like he has become a caricature of himself. It has gotten worse over the years. I tried to watch Scent of a Woman not too long ago and his character is so ridiculously over the top. Interestingly enough, the same year ('93) he was in Glengarry Glen Ross, which was the last thing he was great in, in my opinion. 

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I know it is universally loved.  That is why I don't normally say anything bad about it.  It just doesn't do much for me.  Totally get why everyone loves it and it you can't argue with the success.  It is one of the most well regarded movies of all time.

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There Will Be Blood. Awesome cinematography, editing, and acting. I just felt like the story had nothing. And that has to be the base of a film for me. A great story with bad everything else I can live with. A bad story with great everything else is just crap to me.

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