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This should lead to immediate removal from public office (or not - satire)

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Before you get too wired, Newslo characterizes themselves as "the first ever hybrid news/satire platform". Don't get me wrong: Inhofe is an idiot (I lived in his state for many years), and I could almost imagine him saying something like this. However, this isn't a real news item.


Hah, damn I got duped.


I will leave this up for everyone's amusement.


you were duped because this isn't beyond the realm of possibility to come out of a gop'ers mouth.


Laugh all you want. I have been on an island when it tipped over, and I have yet to fully recover. Only after years of intensive therapy can I now get within 500 feet of the ocean without suffering severe panic attacks.


Preach on, Congressman.


A CA Republican came out against global warming recently saying it is just a ploy for liberal government to take over our lives.


He is on the science committee...  SCIENCE!


It was a pretty good rant, I don't remember the exact words.


I agree that climate change is exaggerated by the left, and it is under represented by the right.  Classic, our government.

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