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My family and I are making our first trip to the ballpark for Wednesdays game. Just curious as to what we can expect from the fans there as we will be rooting for the Cards.

Will the atmosphere be similar to Dodger Stadium, where we catch a load of crap from Dodger fans, or San Diego, where the opposing fans are for the most part pleasant and will almost always strike up a conversation with you while still cheering for their bunch?

Looking forward to seeing the ballpark, and Mike Trout play. Can't wait.


It'll be more like San Diego. We're a pretty laid back group so you should be fine wearing your gear and cheering on your team. Just ont be obnoxious to people.


It should be a LOT different than your experience at doyyur stadium!  You may get heckled a little bit (depending on your own style of rooting for the Cards), but we're not in the National League either.. so it shouldn't get as serious as when we entertain Boston or yankee fans...


I've been to both Fenway and old Yankee Stadium to root for the Halos, while wearing my Red.  Personally, I root for the Angels, but I also root for the game.  I cheer plays from the other team, and try to strike-up conversations with those fans.  I now have funny pics taken of a friendly opposing fan "choking" or "fake-swinging" at me at the end of the game.


Avoid the handful of drunk, super-fans that inhabit every stadium.  Respect the place you're visiting, and you'll have a great time.  I'd suggest going on-line to the Angels site, and reading-up on what's available at the Stadium too.


Dodger stadium was rough back in 2009. The "super fans" were everywhere back then. This year it was like the whole fan base was on Xanax.

The only time San Diego was ever difficult was during the 05-06 NLDS games. We caught a lot of it, one actually got kicked out for yelling at Cardinal fans. Pretty entertaining.


I'm only obnoxious at Wrigley. But that's because it reeks of piss and Old Style, as soon as you step foot in the place you instantly become drunk and 25 again.

We went with a group of about 15 Angels fans to Wrigley a few years ago for a 3-game series, and I don't think we got heckled at all (probly because Cubs fans have been feeling defeated for quite some time; I'm a Cubs fan as well).


We did discover that the "Old Style magic" only works in and around Wrigley Field though...


You'll be fine. Most people are there on their phones posting picture on Facebook to show off that they are at a game. The real fans are all pretty laid back. As said before, you may get some playful banter. Usually nobody will say anything unless A. You are being obnoxious or B. you are a Yankees/red Sox/dodgers fan, in which case you are inherently obnoxious.


Just one warning..... if it is late in the game and the score is tied or STL is down by a run or two, and the bases are loaded and, if your best hitter is coming to bat, for God's sake, don't expect to be able to stand up and cheer for him. You will be asked to sit down (seriously!).


Angel fans hate it when out-of-town fans (or uneducated Angel fans for that matter) stand up and cheer for their players while they are batting. They have never understood that behavior unless there are two outs and two strikes in the last inning.


More Like SD.  As long as you don't interrupt social hour for most of the patrons, you should be fine.  Unless you know nothing about your team and try and pick a fight.  Then it could get ugly quick.  


Best times i have at the stadium is when a knowledgeable opposing fan is around.  I get to know a lot about their team, and play style, and they get to know a lot about the Angels.


Just one warning..... if it is late in the game and the score is tied or STL is down by a run or two, and the bases are loaded and, if your best hitter is coming to bat, for God's sake, don't expect to be able to stand up and cheer for him. You will be asked to sit down (seriously!).


Angel fans hate it when out-of-town fans (or uneducated Angel fans for that matter) stand up and cheer for their players while they are batting. They have never understood that behavior unless there are two outs and two strikes in the last inning.



Good point.  The Ushers can be more of an ass than the fans.


You should have no problem - there will be very few Cards fans there. ;)



And you only get to stand up during a players at bat, blocking the view of others behind you, if you paid oodles of money for your seats :P


You will have no problem at all.  If you get "heckled", a lot of it will be just playing around that you can have fun with.  45% of the stadium will be on their phones playing angry birds anyway, completely unaware that there is a game going on.




Buy 2 smaller beers @ $4.50 each instead of one large beer for $8.50

You get to double fist like a champ and it's approximately 25% more beer.

Same thing i do

The food blows. I haven't eaten there in about 2 yrs. Besides a bag of peanuts


Doubt you'll have any problems. In fact, I bet you get some sort of welcome and mild baseball chat from someone around you. The Cardinals fan base is good, so I doubt you even get the drunk asshole that picks on you. The only time I've seen issues is when some other fan does that thing of turning around to the whole section talking shit after his team scores....pretty standard though for any ballpark. But you aren't like that or you wouldn't be here posting about what to expect.

Enjoy the game, enjoy the park, and enjoy seeing Albert again.

After the game be sure to stop by Fritz's on Katella for post game festivities and pastrami.


Buy 2 smaller beers @ $4.50 each instead of one large beer for $8.50

You get to double fist like a champ and it's approximately 25% more beer.

I have never known that. Always go for the bigger beer. Good to know! Does this work for premium beer also? I usually go for the Firestone double barrel 22oz.

It was great last year when bootleggers Palomino pale ale was only 8.50 for the 22oz until they realized they could charge more and jacked it up to 10.50


You will have no problem at all. If you get "heckled", a lot of it will be just playing around that you can have fun with. 45% of the stadium will be on their phones playing angry birds anyway, completely unaware that there is a game going on.

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