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1 hour ago, Taylor said:

We named the black cat we were fostering "Shohei." As far as I know, Shohei is still available for adoption at the Petco in Orange.

Does he come with a translator?

Just now, Taylor said:

Cats are awesome.

good call, buddy.


on a completed unrelated note, is it possible to call 9-1-1 through your computer for someone who is in obvious mental distress and needs immediate medical attention??

9 minutes ago, Tank said:

on a completed unrelated note, is it possible to call 9-1-1 through your computer for someone who is in obvious mental distress and needs immediate medical attention??

Let's give it a try...





12 hours ago, cysomeawfulpitcher said:



Cats>>>>hoomans.  Funnier, too.  I’ll add a 2nd point.  They don’t keep up with Kartrashians

Dude keep this political shit out of here. You have an obsession with Trump. Though, cats are better than humans


I was living in NYC in the summer of '12 and adopted a kitten from a vet's office. I named him Trout. The vet was a Mets fan who said that Mike Trout was "just a slightly faster version of Grady Sizemore."

I wonder if he still thinks of that conversation the way I do. 

35 minutes ago, st1ckboy said:

The video is even better. Watch with the sound on.


first Barbaro, now this.


I love how the cat gives that second effort just before dropping.

knowing the song, I was already laughing before it got to the end.

1 hour ago, Taylor said:

Cat fail videos are awesome. Cats are hilarious. Dogs just lick their buttholes, while cats lick their buttholes and do strange and random things all day long.

happy dog GIF

chihuahua funny dogs GIF

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