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Is this guy running or throwing?


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The artist wants the viewer to see what they want to see. Running the bases, chasing a hit ball in the OF, throwing out a runner are all abstract concepts for you, the viewer, to determine. Art represents life and the best art allows for multiple interpretations.





He is rushing to the bathroom after having some Great American Ballpark vendor food giving him massive diarrhea.

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3 hours ago, ettin said:

The artist wants the viewer to see what they want to see. Running the bases, chasing a hit ball in the OF, throwing out a runner are all abstract concepts for you, the viewer, to determine. Art represents life and the best art allows for multiple interpretations.





He is rushing to the bathroom after having some Great American Ballpark vendor food giving him massive diarrhea.


for anyone that has ever had cincinatti style chili, then they know it's already diarrhea. they puree the beans! the humanity!

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On 12/19/2016 at 0:07 PM, yk9001 said:

I can't figure it out. 


from wikipedia:

Mr. Red is the first mascot of the Cincinnati Reds baseball team. He is a humanoid figure dressed in a Reds uniform, with an oversized baseball for a head. Sometimes, Mr. Red is referred to by the team as "The Running Man" for the way he has posed on the logo c. 1968.

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