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Best-Case Scenario


Recommended Posts

- Arte stays quiet this off-season focusing to finalize the Anaheim stadium deal.

- Dipoto acquires a couple pen/SP arms that work out.

- Pujols proves that the PF was holding him back last year. Hits .290+, 35+ HRs

- Hamilton continues to hit like he did in Aug/Sept

- CJ puts together another season like 2013

- Weaver stays healthy and pitches like he did in 2010-2012.

- Prospects perform well improving the farm system and have a solid 2014 draft.

- Trout signs an extension

- They bring back those giant cinnamon rolls to the Big A

- Angels win 2014 W.S.

- TJ Simers apologizes and literally kisses Arte's a$$ so they can be breakfast buddies again.

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We sign trout to a long term deal now. But....wait for it....it doesn't start until 2018, when he hits FA.

We then trade him this winter for 8 top tier prospects and restock the farm. His money doesn't kick in until everyone else is off the books, and we get him back when he's 26 and our prospects are hitting their prime.


Edited by ten ocho recon scout
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We sign trout to a long term deal now. But....wait for it....it doesn't start until 2018, when he hits FA.

We then trade him this winter for 8 class A prospects and restock the farm. His money doesn't kick in until everuone else is off the books, and we get him back when he's 26 and our prospects are hitting their prime.



Your logic is terrible. How the hell are we going to get him back from that other team? Is he just going to say "see ya" to that other team, while he's signed to a contract with them?



Edited by TeemuTrout
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Your logic is terrible. How the hell are we going to get him back from that other team? Is he just going to say "see ya" to that other team, while he's signed to a contract with them?




There are few things more enjoyable on the internet than watching someone accuse some one of a "fail" when it is their own reading comprehension that is at fault.


I'll let you figure it out - read ocho's post again then, once you've (hopefully) grokked what he actually wrote, kneel to your betters and beg for mercy.

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Good thread.

I'm a realist, but focusing on the negatives is for losers.


Brandon, given that I started the "Worst-case scenario" thread, I suppose I fit your category as a loser. But understand this: I started that thread not to "focus on the negatives" but to get that picture out there so we could deal with. I think its psychologically healthy to consider the worst-case scenario...and realize it is just that. A worst-case.


I believe it is pragmatic to "hope for the best, but plan for the worst." But the point is, let's look at both extremes; a "realist" Is someone that finds a balance between the two.

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Brandon, given that I started the "Worst-case scenario" thread, I suppose I fit your category as a loser. But understand this: I started that thread not to "focus on the negatives" but to get that picture out there so we could deal with. I think its psychologically healthy to consider the worst-case scenario...and realize it is just that. A worst-case.

I believe it is pragmatic to "hope for the best, but plan for the worst." But the point is, let's look at both extremes; a "realist" Is someone that finds a balance between the two.

No, I didn't even read your thread and don't with a lot of negative aspects or dwelling in the titles. I am not around here enough to know if you're one of the negative dudes here.

If people are on this board they generally watch their fair share of Angels games. Knowing that, many people already know the problems and issues with the club. It doesn't need to be rehashed or combed over daily to where it's a constant thing and is at a whiny level now. Most people get it and it's why this board is dominated by a few while others just chime in from time to time and try and avoid the pity party.

It was more about giving props to Mancini for a positive thread opposed to the many negative ones here about what we don't have or can't do right.....many of us get it.

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AJ gets me.

I don't mind negativw posts as long as they're within reason. Same as the positive ones.

This team is in bad shape. But its not as in as bad of shape as some believe.

It all comes down to arte and his wallet. I could be dead wrong about the guy, but given his past, I trust him to open it and bite into his profits (at least short term).

Like most of you, I would prefer to win by building smartly. But in its absence, I have no problem throwing money at problems for a short term fix, a la the dodgers.

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