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Scioscia blames the stolen bases on the pitchers and said that they need to make adjustments and if this is an instructional league they will make some changes. He looked pissed off tonight.


We need a guy like Erstad as manager. Those should be fun team meetings.

One can only wish. I've wanted Erstad to take Scioscia's spot for years now. 


Scioscia: "We need to tighten some things up. We need to work on things, do better on some things."


On Iannetta: "Chris is throwing the ball well, this is not on him."

Wait...did he actually say that? I can't tell if this is satire anymore. 


Team meeting.  What did they need to discuss...what to have as the after game buffet, Chinese or pizza?  When a team is out of it as this team clearly is, what is the point of a team meeting?  To discuss what utter disappointments they have been, or to just single out Hamilton (or Blanton or Pujols or almost everyone except Weaver and Trout).


Scioscia is pissed that someone didn't put the lid back on the spaghetti sauce and he's going to get to the bottom of it.

These threads crack me up. We need more team meetings.


If Trout and Weaver were to get injured tomorrow and be out for the rest of the year, I seriously wouldn't even watch this team. 

I dont watch this team now!

Haven't watched a whole game since early June.

Too many good games and good teams on tv, to watch this plane crash.

Catch a few low-lights on MLBN and follow the board.


You know something is wrong when Langston is starting to second guess some of Scioscia's moves.  He said Sosh could've set up a double play by walking a slow runner in Beltre and bringing in Maronde to face Pierzynski.  Obviously that wouldn't have prevented the 9th if they got out of the 8th, but he just seemed a little confused as to why he didn't go that route.


What is there to discuss? This organization is void of talent and depth outside of a few positions because of the utter incompetence of Reagins/Scioscia + the owner thinking he is capable of making player personnel decisions?


Yes he said those things. He sounded very tired, and pretty angry.

I don't have the most respect for some people in the sports journalism industry. Mainly the sensationalist writers and talking heads at ESPN that really don't know the finer points of each sport. But the media should absolutely tear Scioscia a new one tomorrow. Him saying that is basically spitting in the face of reporters and telling them that they are full blown retarded. So condescending. Why didn't a reporter just snap back at him saying "DID YOU NOT WATCH THE FING GAME!? Chris couldn't even throw the runner out on an FREAKIN PITCH OUT!"

The catchers are HORRIBLE defensively. There is no room whatsoever to defend them. I mean this is like when he was defending Mathis nonstop to delusionally justify not playing Napoli. If I'm a pitcher and Scioscia were grilling me daily about how I'm allowing runners with how incompetent the catchers are, I would sneak a hand grenade into the next start and throw it in the dugout in his direction. Not like his fat ass would outrun it.


Maybe the meeting was called so that Mike could inform the team that he was leaving.
Other than that, I can't think of any reason to get these guys together in the same room.
They haven't played like they were a team all season.

I don't see any evidence that they even like each other, or that any of the players like or respect the manager or coaching staff.

This is a dysfunctional family that needs an intervention before someone gets hurt.

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