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with what?

cause uh... i can fit a SH*T TON of meth in my trunk.

Sounds like you have one of the rare Pegeout Wagons. Those are the only ones capable of a shit ton capacity.


Why do you use premium?


Manufacturer recommended. I have put 87 in before but it definitely doesn't run as well and gets worse mileage.  The extra 5 bucks to fill the tank doesn't make or break it.


Manufacturer recommended. I have put 87 in before but it definitely doesn't run as well and gets worse mileage.  The extra 5 bucks to fill the tank doesn't make or break it.


If you don't mind me asking, what make/model of car? 


Interesting.  I never would have expected premium to be recommended for SUV's.  Then again, maybe I've been living under a rock.


Did you move to Wisconsin yet?  You might know this already, but in the midwest a lot of people have an extra vehicle for dealing with the snow.  Usually an old beater 4x4 that stays parked most of the time.  After a snowstorm, those who have newer vehicles (like you) typically go to a carwash that features vertical jets spraying up out of the ground.  This washes off any salts or de-icing chemicals sprayed on the roads and helps to prevent rust and corrosion damage to your car. 


Interesting.  I never would have expected premium to be recommended for SUV's.  Then again, maybe I've been living under a rock.


Did you move to Wisconsin yet?  You might know this already, but in the midwest a lot of people have an extra vehicle for dealing with the snow.  Usually an old beater 4x4 that stays parked most of the time.  After a snowstorm, those who have newer vehicles (like you) typically go to a carwash that features vertical jets spraying up out of the ground.  This washes off any salts or de-icing chemicals sprayed on the roads and helps to prevent rust and corrosion damage to your car. 


I didn't expect it when I bought the car either.


I do plan on getting a cheap 4x4 to deal with the snow but we also know about those car washes that clean off the salt and crap they put on the roads.  I couldn't believe the amount of rust we saw on cars out there.


Haven't moved yet, leave in two weeks.


Manufacturer recommended. I have put 87 in before but it definitely doesn't run as well and gets worse mileage.  The extra 5 bucks to fill the tank doesn't make or break it.


Same here. I did a Mile per Dollar comparison between Premium and Mid Grade and found that I get more miles per dollar spent by going with the higher grade gas. Not to mention that the car itself runs much more smooth.


I was putting 89 in my Cadillac, but it caused a lot of knocking. Switched back to 91 as recommended by GM and that took care of the issue. It costs me an extra ten cents per gallon, which isn't really a big deal.


I refuse to put more than 20 dollars of gas in my truck at a time. Used to nearly fill up the tank back when I first bought it.

Nowadays, I'm looking at three gallons


Yeah, but then you waste time going to the gas station 2x or 3x as often. 


We have 85 octane out here and I usually put 15 gallons in at $3.49 a gallon.  When I bought my truck they said anything above the lowest octane is a waste of money.  I usually get between 18 and 20 MPG.

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