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Does getting Rendon only give Eppler a pass?


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5 minutes ago, Torridd said:

It looks like we'll be outbid on Ryu, if this trend continues. Do you think acquiring Rendon saves Eppler's job, do you play out the season to see, or does he get canned for missing out on everyone else of note?

you're asking this on a day when frustrations are running high. I don't think you're going to get a very fair discussion.

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I’m confused.  So if Arte is the one who signed Rendon and Arte sets the budget and he used most of that budget on Rendon, should he fire Eppler for not figuring out the rotation even though Arte spent most of the available money?  By the way, I don’t believe what I wrote just having fun combining some narratives. 

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3 minutes ago, Stradling said:

I’m confused.  So if Arte is the one who signed Rendon and Arte sets the budget and he used most of that budget on Rendon, should he fire Eppler for not figuring out the rotation even though Arte spent most of the available money?  By the way, I don’t believe what I wrote just having fun combining some narratives. 

Arte only involves himself with contracts of at least $55.6 million

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35 minutes ago, Torridd said:

It looks like we'll be outbid on Ryu, if this trend continues. Do you think acquiring Rendon saves Eppler's job, do you play out the season to see, or does he get canned for missing out on everyone else of note?

Honest question: what makes it look like we’ll be outbid on Ryu? I haven’t read that so if there’s a source saying that or reason for that I’d appreciate hearing that if you could share. In my opinion, Ryu still makes a lot of sense, he ha a high ceiling, won’t cost prospects, and with the durability of Bundy and Teheran, Ryu can throw 150IP and still make a major impact. If anything, Ryu makes more sense than ever to me. 

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3 minutes ago, JBR said:

Honest question: what makes it look like we’ll be outbid on Ryu? I haven’t read that so if there’s a source saying that or reason for that I’d appreciate hearing that if you could share. In my opinion, Ryu still makes a lot of sense, he ha a high ceiling, won’t cost prospects, and with the durability of Bundy and Teheran, Ryu can throw 150IP and still make a major impact. If anything, Ryu makes more sense than ever to me. 


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38 minutes ago, Torridd said:

It looks like we'll be outbid on Ryu, if this trend continues. Do you think acquiring Rendon saves Eppler's job, do you play out the season to see, or does he get canned for missing out on everyone else of note?

I haven’t seen it, who is the other team?


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I think the only way we're outbid on Ryu is if the Dodgers want him back and overpay for him.

If we're outbid by the small market Blur Jays or Twins it's going to look bad on Eppler.

Don't back your way into a corner to make a trade and deal blue chip prospects when you can save them for our own future and just sign an arm.

I feel like the Ryu sweepstakes may go on a while as the remaining teams looking for arms will be going toe to toe on signing the last remaining good FA starting pitcher.

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3 minutes ago, Vladdylonglegs said:

You don’t know this yet but you’re going to say the same thing about Eppler when he gets axed while you blow the new GM. This is a classic superfan cycle. 

No because when Eppler leaves he won’t have ruined the team.  Thanks 

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1 hour ago, Torridd said:

It looks like we'll be outbid on Ryu, if this trend continues. Do you think acquiring Rendon saves Eppler's job, do you play out the season to see, or does he get canned for missing out on everyone else of note?

I think it depends on how the year goes and possibly on behind the scenes stuff. We can’t see all the information that Arte can. He has a better angle to analyze what Eppler could or couldn’t have done. 

My biggest concern about him to date is it feels at times like he’s too cautious and slow to make a deal when he needs to, but again, I can’t see what his options have been. From what I can see, context indicates it isn’t all his fault. I think people tend to ignore a lot of the context in their critiques of him. 

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