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Well said, it's great to see your grandson doing better.The things doctors and nurses can do now is truly amazing. The fact that he is already home is a good sign.Thanks for the great pictures, I know it's been a rough start to his life but it looks like he has a lot of people to love and care for him.That makes all the difference in recovery.Thanks.

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This post really hit me hard. I'm so glad the little guy is doing okay and I hope he keeps getting better.

My brother died three months ago (leukemia, 39 years old) and it has been awful. We were very close and spent god-knows-how-many-hours together at the ballpark when we were younger. On one hand, I had hoped the Angels would have a very special season and I could watch some meaningful games with my brother's ashes by my side. It has been depressing as hell to see yet another season full of injuries, not to mention a player's death.

On the other hand, baseball is just a game; it's supposed to be fun. Yeah, this season has sucked, but there will be others. There always are. In the grand scheme of things, a crappy baseball season is nothing compared to the other things that can happen to us in life. 

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1 hour ago, SoPas Angel said:

This post really hit me hard. I'm so glad the little guy is doing okay and I hope he keeps getting better.

My brother died three months ago (leukemia, 39 years old) and it has been awful. We were very close and spent god-knows-how-many-hours together at the ballpark when we were younger. On one hand, I had hoped the Angels would have a very special season and I could watch some meaningful games with my brother's ashes by my side. It has been depressing as hell to see yet another season full of injuries, not to mention a player's death.

On the other hand, baseball is just a game; it's supposed to be fun. Yeah, this season has sucked, but there will be others. There always are. In the grand scheme of things, a crappy baseball season is nothing compared to the other things that can happen to us in life. 

man, sorry to hear of this. condolences.

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10 hours ago, SoPas Angel said:

This post really hit me hard. I'm so glad the little guy is doing okay and I hope he keeps getting better.

My brother died three months ago (leukemia, 39 years old) and it has been awful. We were very close and spent god-knows-how-many-hours together at the ballpark when we were younger. On one hand, I had hoped the Angels would have a very special season and I could watch some meaningful games with my brother's ashes by my side. It has been depressing as hell to see yet another season full of injuries, not to mention a player's death.

On the other hand, baseball is just a game; it's supposed to be fun. Yeah, this season has sucked, but there will be others. There always are. In the grand scheme of things, a crappy baseball season is nothing compared to the other things that can happen to us in life. 

Really sorry to hear about your brother, @SoPas Angel. This is really tough. I experienced kind of the same thing with my dad back in 2008, he died unexpectedly on Thanksgiving at our house. We did everything together and were the best of buds, but at the top of our lists was watching baseball and football together both on tv and at the stadium. 

Praying for healing and strength for your family and that your brother's memories will bring smiles to all of your faces and joy to your hearts when you think of him.

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Thank you Chuck for sharing this moment with us. I’m not a parent, I couldn’t imagine going through something like that. Glad to hear that your grandson is doing well. That’s one tough kid. Wishing your family the best and God Bless  

I’d be the first to admit that I bash the Angels because I get too worked up sometimes. It’s because I grew to care about the team and sucks to see them perform so poorly when we know they had so much more potential. The loss of Skaggs was a terrible guy punch. It felt like I knew him, even though I never met him. I knew what loss felt like.

I lost my mother to cancer a while ago and was searching for a new hobby when I stumbled upon baseball and this forum. I used this place to forget about the real world. The Skaggs death wasn’t supposed to happen not such at such a young age. But the combined no hitter on the night we honored his legacy was the most beautiful sports moment I ever saw. It was something we just couldn’t explain. So if you look hard enough, and keep the faith you can make it through. 

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Chuck, those pictures of your precious grandson brought a tear to my eye.  Our grandson, like yours, was born with a stomach defect.  Within 2 weeks of birth, he was taken to Huntington Hospital in Pasadena for emergency surgery and spent a month in the NICU.  Those pics of your grandson looked exactly like what our grandson looked like.  Through strong faith and family, he survived.  I’m sure through faith and family, your grandson will do the same.?

I haven’t been on this site for very long, but in the few months I’ve been here, I’ve been lucky enough to meet posters in person and they are tremendous people.  They are people I’d hang out with anytime.  

In all honesty, it doesn’t take long to find out who is who around here.  Strong opinions, inside knowledge, superior reporting from the farm and the team, etc.  With that comes satire and humor.  It doesn’t take long to know who those posters are either.  

I know it’s been testy lately because, as you stated, we’re fans and we expect certain things.  Frustration sets in.  I’m just as guilty and while this message board isn’t unique in “emota posting” it shouldn’t get to personal attacks.  I’m pretty sure most of the guys here who have been here from the beginning know who is kidding and who isn’t.  A newbie like myself steers clear of this stuff because you could easily get sucked into something where you may have missed the satire or tone.  

I know it’s a public message board and everybody should share their opinion but personally, sometimes it’s better to “read more, post less” especially when things are getting hostile.

Again, just one newbies opinion

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