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Even IF we get Gerrit Cole...

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What is the plan after that this offseason if we are so lucky enough to outbid the Doyers, Yanks, Stros and Red Sox for his services? 

Ohtani will be on an innings limit next year, Canning/Barria are good not great back end options and Andrew Heaney should not be counted on anything more than a 3-4 rotation guy. 

A rotation of 


Ohtani (Approx 100 innings)





Does not win the division let alone get us a wild card spot. Eppler better have something huge planned for this offseason because we have yet again gone through another year of prime Trout without a playoff appearance... sigh... Go Halos

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4 minutes ago, Ochocinco! said:

What is the plan after that this offseason if we are so lucky enough to outbid the Doyers, Yanks, Stros and Red Sox for his services? 

Ohtani will be on an innings limit next year, Canning/Barria are good not great back end options and Andrew Heaney should not be counted on anything more than a 3-4 rotation guy. 

A rotation of 


Ohtani (Approx 100 innings)





Does not win the division let alone get us a wild card spot. Eppler better have something huge planned for this offseason because we have yet again gone through another year of prime Trout without a playoff appearance... sigh... Go Halos

Do you know why we went through another year of prime Trout without a playoff appearance? Because our farm system was empty 3 years ago. That isn't Eppler's fault. 

Contenders are built through the farm. You cannot buy a successful team. If you try, you'll spend a lot of money on has been's and your team will still suck. We tried this in 2012 and 2013. It didn't work. At least, though, in those years, we were in position to contend. Right now we are not quite there.

I don't have the stomach to go all in right now when we aren't quite ready to contend. We'd be paying top prices for an extra few months of pitchers who aren't going to help us win this year (we aren't making the playoffs this season). 


Also, can we get over this "We need to outbid the Dodgers and Yankees". When is the last time you saw either of them go big on a free agent? Seriously. If you follow news reports, both of them have been tight on what they're willing to spend. Given that the Sox are already spending more than any team in baseball on payroll this season, I wouldn't count on them going big either.

The Astros have an expensive team that just got more so. Why? Because they know they can't afford Cole so they just traded for his replacement. They're already spending a crap ton of money and that's with Cole making 20mil less than he will next season. What money are they shedding to pay for that? They literally just added Greinke at 30+ mil per season for the next two seasons. That trade only makes sense if they're letting Cole walk. 

The Angels may not end up with Cole, but they've got a much higher chance of getting him than any of the teams you mentioned. 

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6 minutes ago, Angel Oracle said:

Would like to get back to the post-season before 2023.

Eppler only has so much time. Next year will be his fifth year, which is a good amount of time to assess his leadership and the direction of the organization. It may be a make-or-break year for him. I think he's actually only signed through this year, so whether or not he gets a 1, 2, or 3+ year extension will tell us a lot about what Arte thinks. My guess is he'll get 1 or 2 years, that he'll get a bit more time but not a long-term contract.

2020 should give us a good sense of whether or not the Eppler Plan is working. 

But again, the trajectory is what matters. There's still a lot of improvement than can happen before this team becomes a perennial WS threat like the Astros. But certainly by next year they should be in the conversation for 90 wins and a wildcard spot.

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19 minutes ago, totdprods said:

I imagine they’re still going to try and trade for a controllable mid-rotation arm with upside.

Prices are lower in winter and there’s a lot of comparable FA arms too. 

I think they could still make a run for Thor who is controllable and for a decent price. This could allow a hopeful rotation of Cole/Thor/Ohtani/Heaney/Canning/Barria or Suarez.

Although knowing how the Angels have gone, they could strike out on both. OR, they'll go down the rental category again...

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13 minutes ago, Sean-Regan said:

 The Angels may not end up with Cole, but they've got a much higher chance of getting him than any of the teams you mentioned. 

What if he’s asking for more money than Arte is willing to spend? If the Yankees, Cubs, Dodgers, St. louis or Red Sox are involved it’s going to be a very expensive signing. Arte always said that he would not be shy to sign someone like this if it was THE one missing piece to put us in contention for a championship. Is Cole that guy or are we still missing too many pieces. 

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Outside of Cole there's Bumgarner, Wheeler, Hamels and Porcello considered the top FA pitchers but by season's end some other guys might move up the list.  Bumgarner is only a year older than Cole but he's got a lot more innings on his arm with the playoff runs.  Wheeler hasn't really ever put it together and he's an injury risk.  Hamels is in his late 30's and while he's been effective he hasn't stayed healthy the last three years.  Perhaps getting Porcello out of Boston will help him but while he's only 30 he's got almost 2x the innings on his arm as Cole.  Whether they sign Cole or not they're going to have to get creative because they need at least 2 SP's.

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Just now, tdawg87 said:

If they get Cole, they are essentially replacing Harvey/Cahill with Cole/Ohtani. That upgrade cannot be stated enough.

Then they need to replace Skaggs. So basically a 3/4 type pitcher. 

I would love to see them sign Cole but his agent is a dick. 

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Just now, Calzone 2 said:

What if he’s asking for more money than Arte is willing to spend? If the Yankees, Cubs, Dodgers, St. louis or Red Sox are involved it’s going to be a very expensive signing. Arte always said that he would not be shy to sign someone like this if it was THE one missing piece to put us in contention for a championship. Is Cole that guy or are we still missing too many pieces. 

You know jack about recent history in baseball. The Yankees and Dodgers haven't made a big signing lately Yankees had Corbin begging them to make a deal and they lowballed him. Hank Steinbrenner isn't George. He doesn't spend like a drunken sailor. The Dodgers also have been slow to make big deals. The Red Sox barely went after Martinez and only after the market soured on him and they still have the highest payroll this year. They'e also got Betts to consider. Zero chance they pursue him. 

As to the others, the Cubs already had a ton of money on the books. The Cards are possible. So are the Phillies. But none of them have a bigger need than we do. That doesn't mean Arte won't be outbid, but he's been willing to spend before. Bringing up recent reticence to spend is meaningless because they were rebuilding, not contending, as they've ben extremely open about.

Cole by himself doesn't fix the rotation. But he's a big step there. They need two guys this offseason. It probably won't be enough to make them a legit contender for the division, but it should make them favorites for a WC spot. And if we get Cole, we've got a solid shot at winning that game. Especially if the offense holds up next year. 

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19 minutes ago, AngelsLakersFan said:

Why is he asking us?


3 minutes ago, Lou said:

No clue

Because it is a discussion board fill with fat, armchair General Managers.

We're all clueless, except for Fletcher, who has an inkling of a clue. And merlincat, who seems to know what is going to happen 10-15 seconds before anyone else. But the rest of us...we're all just winging it and bullshitting.

Like life.

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Just now, Angelsjunky said:


Because it is a discussion board fill with fat, armchair General Managers.

We're all clueless, except for Fletcher, who has an inkling of a clue. And merlincat, who seems to know what is going to happen 10-15 seconds before anyone else. But the rest of us...we're all just winging it and bullshitting.

Like life.

Ha. I was going to say something similar about merlincat

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Even if Ohtani is on a inning count, you can still limit is inning to where he can still pitch in the playoff and dh, we'll be fine. If he can give us a healthy 120-130 innings in the season, that's a big Plus with having the chance to go 30ish inning in the playoffs.

Cole your adding 15+ wins just to the rotation, and give a solid 1,2 punch.

Canning is more than just a back end of the rotation guy, his number don't look good what i like the way he pitching.

Heaney is a question mark, but i'd take him in the 4 spot

Barria or Suarez in the 5th spot, i'll take it. 

Bp is fine, just worried that a few of the guy arms don't fall of next season.

Line-up is fine, will be interesting to see if La Stella can repeat, Flecth looks like he'll be fine! 

I'm a bit worry about upton, and his production.

Adell should be ready to go, maybe Marsh aswell

don't think we'll add anything to C

Don't know what to expect out of Ausmus either so yeah.... 


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1 minute ago, Vlad27Trout27 said:

Even if Ohtani is on a inning count, you can still limit is inning to where he can still pitch in the playoff and dh, we'll be fine. If he can give us a healthy 120-130 innings in the season, that's a big Plus with having the chance to go 30ish inning in the playoffs.

Cole your adding 15+ wins just to the rotation, and give a solid 1,2 punch.

Canning is more than just a back end of the rotation guy, his number don't look good what i like the way he pitching.

Heaney is a question mark, but i'd take him in the 4 spot

Barria or Suarez in the 5th spot, i'll take it. 

Bp is fine, just worried that a few of the guy arms don't fall of next season.

Line-up is fine, will be interesting to see if La Stella can repeat, Flecth looks like he'll be fine! 

I'm a bit worry about upton, and his production.

Adell should be ready to go, maybe Marsh aswell

don't think we'll add anything to C

Don't know what to expect out of Ausmus either so yeah.... 


So Facking sick of hoping and praying for next year... 2014 was a long time ago 

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