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Is there anyone who actually wants Trout gone when its time?

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Seems hes the reason were not winning.  When its clearly time to rebuild a while ago, we are instead stuck in purgatory because were trying to get a guy a ring who's been on his way out the door long before Harper came to town.  

Through 858 career gms:
Trout 189 2B, 39 3B, 184 HR, 513 BB, 826 K .308/.408/.567
Pujols 237 2B, 11 3B, 229 HR, 453 BB, 369 K .331/.419/.626

Let Philly have the $40 million version of Trout when hes on the wrong side of 30 and approaching their 40's.   Thanks for the memories and the prime years.  Unless they find some new steroids ala David Ortiz, why should we expect them to perform differently than any other washed up superstar, now in that age.  Its going to be Pujols/Miguel Cabrera/McCutchen/most other superstars, PT 2 after just a couple years into that contract.


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14 minutes ago, notherhalo said:

Or like, many GMs in baseball..

Theres idiots on FB for all sides of an argument...

I realize there are no guarantees in baseball but he’s been the best player every year he’s been in the league.  I would bet my money on him earning his next contract.  

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I see images of Buzzy Bavasi and Nolan Ryan all over again.  I guess it's possible that a franchise can make the same mistake twice, after all it happened about 40 years ago.  Thankfully, I don't expect to be alive to see it happen a third time, twice in my lifetime would be bad enough.

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2 hours ago, notherhalo said:

Seems hes the reason were not winning.  When its clearly time to rebuild a while ago, we are instead stuck in purgatory because were trying to get a guy a ring who's been on his way out the door long before Harper came to town.  

Through 858 career gms:
Trout 189 2B, 39 3B, 184 HR, 513 BB, 826 K .308/.408/.567
Pujols 237 2B, 11 3B, 229 HR, 453 BB, 369 K .331/.419/.626

Let Philly have the $40 million version of Trout when hes on the wrong side of 30 and approaching their 40's.   Thanks for the memories and the prime years.  Unless they find some new steroids ala David Ortiz, why should we expect them to perform differently than any other washed up superstar, now in that age.  Its going to be Pujols/Miguel Cabrera/McCutchen/most other superstars, PT 2 after just a couple years into that contract.



Best. Troll. Ever. 


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Biggest differences between Trout and Pujols:   not crouching at the plate every pitch and putting untold pressure on knees and feet, and of course the rumored inaccurate age for Pujols.

Biggest differences between Trout and Cabrera: Cabrera was never good defensively, and Trout didn’t puff up like the Stay-Puff Marshmallow man by age 27.

Pay the man his 10 years/$375 million, Arte!   He’s still only age 38 to start 2030.

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Yeah to not want Mike Trout to stick around past 2020 is essentially equivalent to a Yankees fan saying they wouldn't have wanted Mickey Mantle on their team in the 50s and 60s.


I would prefer the greatest player of my generation stay on my favorite team, jack up whatever prices needed to make this happen.

$25 beer? Please and thank you!

Plaster Keys on Van Nuys all over the Stadium? Sure!

Sick Cal Worthington's dog spot on me for Mike Trout's personal amusement? If that keeps him here, bring it on!

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He'll be playing baseball SOMEWHERE in 2021. And I will be able to watch him play. That's the most important thing to me.

As long as he doesn't go to Boston, I'm fine with wherever he plays. Boston is my line in the sand. Truthfully, though...........I'd still watch him.

But I can see an opportunity window in 2020-21, whereby IF our farm is as good as predicted and IF we accrued even more talent through trading Trout, then we would be poised to be the next Houston Astros in the division.

People like to point out that we would never get equal value for Trout in a trade, and that's probably true. But we would get significant value and some of it would likely be a player or two that are MLB proven, not prospects that might or might not pan out.

And the other thing that naysayers to a trade forget is that we would have an additional 34 million/year to spend when Trout is gone. Eppler could do a lot with that. After 2021, an additional 26 mil or so, with Albert gone. That's an interesting prospect to consider.

Anyway, Trout is definitely here for 2019.



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Best. Player. Ever.

Think about that.  Really let it sink in.


















Unless you have "issues" of the cerebral and/or emotional kind - then you can't possibly want to see him leave.  If you do - seek help. Now. Don't wait.

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I cant imagine anyone wanting that to happen.  The team is better with him, than without him, thats a given.
The only reason i would remotely be ok with it is if the team legitimately cannot afford to keep him and improve elsewhere.  I do not believe that to be the case even though they have chosen to let it be the reality of this year. 

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I don't want him to leave but now we have two years of teeth-gnashing and incredible butthurt on this board every time a Buster OIney or Harper mentions him.  That's no good.

The original poster went a little wackadoodle here, but I am seeing a lot of denial that *if* you sign him to a 13 year contract, you may be eating some expensive sh*t the last few years of that contract.  I'm not predicting that but the fact of the matter is that there is a greater-than-remote chance that the Angels can be hamstrung.  Just like they are now with Pujols.

Edited by yk9001
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