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Just now, WeatherWonk said:

Bullpen game. Maybe we should just embrace this, next year.

Maybe we should abandon the concept of starters altogether and just go with 12 long relievers that take turns getting lit up every other game. 

1 minute ago, AngelsFaninGA said:

Maybe we should abandon the concept of starters altogether and just go with 12 long relievers that take turns getting lit up every other game. 

I see the makings of better than that in the Angel bullpen, really. Our bullpen numbers havent been bad. But we need a proven closer.

The best reason for the Angels to resort to an "intentional" bullpen game is all these recovering starters that can never get through a lineup three times.

Here is an article from May about the Tampa Bay Rays initial decision to employ the intentional bullpen games. It can make a lot of sense.


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