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Orange County Register: Angels claim OF Todd Cunningham from Braves

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You just watch, they're totally going to flip a couple of them for AAA 5th starters.  Not MLB 5th starters.  AAA 5th starters.  Because those are totally worth something. 


Cowgill and Robertson could probably get you an AAAA starter.


But those are pretty solid bench options so no thanks.

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Cowgill and Robertson could probably get you an AAAA starter.


But those are pretty solid bench options so no thanks.


Not sure I was serious, but since we're going down that path, yeah, I could see those guys getting you an ok reliever or SP depth if you need it.  I don't really envy Eppler right now, he's got about a thousand different holes to plug, everything from 2B, 3B, UT, LF, RP to figuring out how to assemble a good rotation while still using Weav and Wilson because they're being paid 20 million next year.  I mean I know what I'd do (only start Weav at home, Skaggs on road as 5th SP, and trade CJ at end of ST, replace him with Tropeano), but as it turns out, the Angels don't answer my letters insisting I know how to fix everything.  

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A very Dipoto-esque move by Eppler there.  Cowgill, Robertson, Cunningham.  I think they're all basically the same player. 

Dipoto didn't invent cheap/low-risk signings. 

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