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Hamilton's Texas Press Conference

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Im not on Hamiltons side. Ive said how much I dislike his attitude since hes been here. But trading him and forgetting he existed doesnt solve anything, if were still paying his contract. Its still a good possibility he will he better than Cowgill and Joyce. Trading him without giving him another shot seems like a move to save face. We trotted him out there 3 straight playoff games when it was clear he was up there flailing away, and now we trade him in April before giving him a chance to come back in the regular season? Another orginizational move that makes no sense.

Just my opinion. Its immature to insult me over it.

Edit: Its even worse when you consider reports Hamilton wanted out of So Cal. So we just give him what he wants and give him back to our division rival for free? How on earth can anyone think this is a smart move? If he wants out we have leverage, should have made him agree to a buyout if he really couldnt handle SoCal temptations.

Edited by QuinlansMinion
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QuinlansMinion, you have made some great points....I don't see what it could have hurt to try to make him pay a little more for getting out of So Cal if that was his desire (and it looks like it is). In the end, it is a free ticket outta town for him (due to the tax difference in TX) and only saves the Angels a little bit of a BIG contract....

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angels org. turns out to make the stupidest moves in baseball history ever.

paying someone 60mil to play for another team.

this is amazing. whoever was in charge of that decision has to be a genius.

I just cant imagine how that conversation would go

Josh: "I want out of So Cal"

Angels: "Ok, lets agree to a buyout?"

Josh: "No"

Angels: "Ok, hold on."

5 minutes later...

Angels: "We'll send you to Texas and give you the same amount of money you would have made here."

Some really good negoatiating.

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It seems that Arte is a man of principles. He took Josh at his word that he would keep his nose clean ( no pun intended) I would like to know of anyone here that would not be shit canned from their job for doing what Hamilton did disease or not. I applaud the Angel organization for their zero tolerance on druggies. I hope Karma catches up with Josh. 

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After hearing what Josh had to say, I am sure they made the right call by sending him packing. He admitted he does not consider himself accountable for his own actions, and passed on the responsibility of this disaster to Arte.

When will he ever hold himself accountable?

Let down his teammates

Let down his coach

Let down a generous owner

Let down his wife

Let down his kids

Let down what's left of his fan base

Let down the sport of baseball

But none of that is his fault!

He deserves all the bad karma he has coming his way.

A-Rod pisses all over this POS

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Where are all those Hamilton apologist now?

Absolutely astounding that they still exist - in this thread and others. The ones that perplex me the most are the ones defending Josh and saying it's all the Angels' fault. Now of course the people who signed off on that monstrosity of a contract deserve huge heat over it. But how anyone is saying they "side with Josh" is just beyond me - it's the most bizarre thing I've seen on this board since the Wells trade "not our money" comments. If there was a need for any more proof about how unrepentant and lacking in self-responsibility Josh is, his self-indulgent crap today is indisputable proof. Normally I'm against trades where you barely save any cash by saving a terrible contract, but in this case getting Hamilton as far away from this team as possible is absolutely worth it.
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They may be losing money by giving him away, but they are saving money on the effects that this cancer would have had on other players. If I am Trout's agent, I tell him to delete Hamilton's number out of his contacts.

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I still side with Hamilton. So **** me.

If you ask me the Arte - Hamilton thing is two assholes who were a match made in heaven.

Too much ego for the org.

I hope Hamilton sucks now though. Just thought he was wronged by the org.


Paying him $70M, and being accountable to the contract, plus trading him to a team he wanted to go to doesn't sound to me like he was wronged much by the organization.  And I didn't hear the organization throw him under the bus today, quite the reverse.

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As you guys saw from my story im sure....

The Angels didnt give him away for nothing. They saved at least $20M. And Hamilton personally gave back about $14M of that, only some of which is accounted for by the lack of income tax in Texas.

He basically gave up the same salary as if he'd been suspended for 20-30 games. (Im not an accountant so I have no idea how much the tax thing covers the $14M, so I'm guessing at the rest.)

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QM, hamilton had a guaranteed contract with a no trade claus...his trade market given the contract and his performance already had him at very little trade value. Couple that with the fact he could veto any trade, what exact leverage did the team have?

I couldnt say for sure, but it seems to me like he created a situation of either send me home, or im not playing (at least for a long time). I know a lot of us think benching him would have been better, but this way they at least get some salary relief (and less money towards the tax ceiling)

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The Angels organization can't win this one. If they would have kept him, it sets a bad example of having tolerance for these type of situations, and degrades the entire organization.  It's also a terrible distraction to the organization and its players and coaches.


If they make him go away as quickly as possible, they're considered stupid for the way they conduct their baseball business.


I think in the long run I would opt for being stupid.

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It seems that Arte is a man of principles. He took Josh at his word that he would keep his nose clean ( no pun intended) I would like to know of anyone here that would not be shit canned from their job for doing what Hamilton did disease or not. I applaud the Angel organization for their zero tolerance on druggies. I hope Karma catches up with Josh. 

Well then, Arte is an idiot. He cannot reasonably assume that an addict will not relapse. The safest assumption is that they will, because that's what addicts are wired to do.


There are many who succeeed and don't relapse. But that is not a reasonable assumption. For him to throw $125 million at an addict was a gamble. A bad one. And he lost.

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Paying him $70M, and being accountable to the contract, plus trading him to a team he wanted to go to doesn't sound to me like he was wronged much by the organization. And I didn't hear the organization throw him under the bus today, quite the reverse.

Clearly the original domino of his relapse led to bigger dominos. For the Angels, apparently the relapse was the trigger. For Josh it was lack of support.

I didn't like the way the Angels handled it. I don't care about Josh Hamilton. I don't really care about Arte's money.

Good riddance at this point. Will it lead to change? That's really all that should be important to Angels fans.

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Well then, Arte is an idiot. He cannot reasonably assume that an addict will not relapse. The safest assumption is that they will, because that's what addicts are wired to do.


There are many who succeeed and don't relapse. But that is not a reasonable assumption. For him to throw $125 million at an addict was a gamble. A bad one. And he lost.


And he paid for that mistake by being criticized, and tossing away millions of salary dollars.  What did Josh give up for his mistake, not much.  He got maybe a better job, one he wanted, a big chance to redeem his mistakes.  He certainly did not lose monetarily, and he found a way to stay in baseball without suspension.  He will come under some criticism, let's see how he handles that one.

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Remember when the Patriots allowed their fans to exchange Hernandez jerseys for a free jersey of another player..


Maybe the Angels should consider that?


Some Angels fans might prefer to have a Trout, Pujols, Richards, Weaver, etc. jersey than a Hamilton jersey...


just a thought



this is a really good idea, but the angels would get crucified in the press over it. doesn't mean they shouldn't do it.

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And he paid for that mistake by being criticized, and tossing away millions of salary dollars.  What did Josh give up for his mistake, not much.  He got maybe a better job, one he wanted, a big chance to redeem his mistakes.  He certainly did not lose monetarily, and he found a way to stay in baseball without suspension.  He will come under some criticism, let's see how he handles that one.

I'm certainly not giving Josh a free pass. However, he will lose monetarily, probably about half.

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