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No harsher penalties can be passed down without approval from the MLBPA. Baseball is enjoying record TV contracts and attendance. Do you really think they are interested in ending PED use? ARod is being singled out because the Yankees are a .500 team and need salary relief. McGuire, Sosa and the other ' roiders of the 90's saved the game with the blessing of Selig and the owners. There has been no call for sweeping changes to the penalties by MLB Or the MLBPA because the game is too successful right now.

There has been some form of cheating in the game forever without consequence. We will see if the owners are truly ready to make the necessary changes to the drug testing policy and the resultant penalties.


I think he's willing to say it because none of the players that have been named/suspended are teammates. If someone on the Angels were to get caught, I don't think he'd be singing the same tune. When there is no personal connection then it is easier to pass judgement.


Trout is right but politically incorrect for expressing his personal feelings publicly about this issue. Sadly because of Bub Selig's convenient blindness, Mike Trout probably lost about 300 friends today.


I think he's willing to say it because none of the players that have been named/suspended are teammates. If someone on the Angels were to get caught, I don't think he'd be singing the same tune. When there is no personal connection then it is easier to pass judgement.


Lol @ "pass judgment."


Good for him - he plays the game the right way and has worked hard to get this level . Must be frustrating to see other guys taking the easy way out - I'm glad he said what he said


he's right.

i worry abut him politically because selig does not really want ped's out of baseball.

the whole recent uproar over peds has been nothing but a dog and pony show by mlb to act like they want peds out of baseball.

mlb only started giving a shit when they were threatened with losing thier antitrust exemption.

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