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What are your silver linings of this miserable 2019 season?


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No negative feedback in this thread please, only positives that we can look toward in the future of this Angels club. 

I'll start with the obvious:

Mike Trout, who keeps getting better and better it seems. 

Secondly, the development of our farmhands, which I hope to see more of later this month and all of September. 

Thirdly, some farmhands that have fared well in the minors this season that can be either used in a trade to acquire a starting pitcher, or help our own club down the road. 

Lastly, David Fletcher and Shohei Ohtani. Both of these guys look really good and should only get better IMO. 

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Football season starting up soon?

But for real the young kids getting a chance to play. Seeing what we need to be competitive for next year. Ohtani, Trout, LaStella and Fletcher all playing well. Building this team from the ground up. I thought this team was gonna make the playoffs this year but it didn't happen. But I think we have more answers than question marks going into next season and that's a bonus.

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The main club is starting to come together. Weve had this giant ? over the team for the last few years. We now know Trout will be staying, we know Fletcher is for real, we know Ohtani (bat at least) wasnt a fluke, and we can see positives in Renigfo and Thaiss.

I see know way they ignore the pitching this winter, so going forward, we should see some good times.

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  • Mike Trout's extension and then the season he has been having.  We are so F'n lucky to have this man on the team.
  • David Fletcher proving last season wasn't a fluke and that he is even better than that.  He is the player I tell my son he should strive to be on the field.
  • It was awesome to watch guys like LaStella and Goodwin finally get a chance to prove themselves and they both did so.  I love those types of stories.
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Trout and young talent.  

Suarez is going to be better than people think relative to what we've seen.  

Canning is gonna be 2/3.  I actually get a Lackey bulldog vibe from him

Sandoval will be a Santiago type eventually who was actually pretty good for us for a couple years and better than people remember.  

I have really high hopes for Rengifo as a dynamic lead off guy with serious pop.  I feel like the sound the ball makes off his bat is different than most.  

Even though Adell has struggled in a short stint at AAA, I think he's gonna be at least a star and possibly a superstar.  

I think Marsh has made more progress this year than people think.  While I was hoping for a bit more power, I think his home park has played a major role and he's gonna be an above average major league player as soon as next year.  

I think La Stella is for real and will have another great year for the team next year.  

The farm will have 2-3 breakout studs next year

Fletcher is a pleasure to watch play.  

Simmons defense is something I can't describe it so good.  

Goodwin is a solid choice for 4th OFer and will be a great month stop gap till Adell comes up next year.  

Watch out for Peters to become a 4/5 starter next year 

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Trout doing Trout things, and being here for life.

Ohtani being an excellent hitter.

Fletcher being able to repeat last year.

La Stella being better than expected.

Not that it matters after this year, but it was nice to see Kole bounce back.

Canning, Suarez, Sandoval all making their debuts as some of the youngest starters in the league, despite their struggles. 

Rengifo and Thiass making debuts and having moments of success.  

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