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23 Years Since the Northridge Quake

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I felt the Whittier quake more than the Northridge.  But I was just on the other side of the hill in Whittier. 

It's just amazing how long the damage was though.  Epicenter in Northridge, but still brought that section of the freeways down in the pass and Santa Monica freeway near Culver city.

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I remember the story of the couple sleeping and waking up being terrified and running outside of their home onto the street with their neighbors.  They then realized that their neighbors were staring at them since they slept in the nude.

The two things I learned from that story is that if you're sleeping in the buff, make certain you have some clothes by your bed that you can grab quickly or you work out regularly so you're in great physical shape.

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The wave from my swimming pool poured through my room, soaking everything in there.  

Just two blocks away were the apartments that split in half (Tampa x Victory) and my friends bed had rolled from the center to one side of the room as his room was one of those split. 

Reseda was later determined to be the epicenter.  

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3 hours ago, cezero said:

I was living in Northridge with my sister in Summer of 1993 just before moving up to Washington with my parents. 

Then my high school band in WA decided to take a field trip in Jan of 94....to SoCal. We were in Medieval Times when the quake hit. Everybody just thought it was part of the show. 

Different quake, cez. Northridge was like 4 am.

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Northridge was pretty crazy. I think there was damage to angel stadium (?) Too.

Whittier scared the hell out of me, first big one i remember as a kid. Anyone remember the double one around 91/92? 2 big ones in the same morning, out near big bear? Anout 6 am and again about 8 on a sunday morning?

I feel like we got hit with decent ones about every 3 or 4 years back in the 80s and early 90s...been awile..which is scary...

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15 hours ago, ten ocho recon scout said:

Northridge was pretty crazy. I think there was damage to angel stadium (?) Too.

Whittier scared the hell out of me, first big one i remember as a kid. Anyone remember the double one around 91/92? 2 big ones in the same morning, out near big bear? Anout 6 am and again about 8 on a sunday morning?

I feel like we got hit with decent ones about every 3 or 4 years back in the 80s and early 90s...been awile..which is scary...

was that the landers quake?

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i remember northridge, i was just a kid/teenager and may have slept through it but my parents came in screaming to get us up and like every school drill i just hung in the door jamb while the shit shook. i think just out of shock i kept running through the house and ended up toward the front of the house in the door jamb....kind of weird. i always get confused because i thought that specific day was martin luther king day or maybe the observance. we lived in riverside at the time.

the one that seems to be confusing to most is i remember we lived in anaheim and i was in kindergarten when a pretty big one hit. it was in the 80's. i don't remember much but it felt like the whole room was vigorously moving and i just remember staring at the fish tank watching the water sway. i've always been curious to find more info on this particular quake.

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