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Billy Beane is a water hog


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I kind of feel like this is the sort of thing we shouldn't blame on livestock as much as it something we should blame on people.  The livestock were present in larger populations before humans were here and it never was a problem.  I think the problem is million reside in Southern California, a place that has enough water for thousands, and have thus decided to try and take Northern California's water in an effort to save itself.  


It's like the drowning man that grabs and tries to drown the lifeguard.  It only results in two problems, rather than one.  

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I know. Conserving precious limited resources is for tree hugging dillholes

You want to water shame? Then do it right:




The type of water shaming in this thread is idiotic, and pathetic. Water shame the companies that are actually robbing resources. 

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I kind of feel like this is the sort of thing we shouldn't blame on livestock as much as it something we should blame on people.  The livestock were present in larger populations before humans were here and it never was a problem.  I think the problem is million reside in Southern California, a place that has enough water for thousands, and have thus decided to try and take Northern California's water in an effort to save itself.  


It's like the drowning man that grabs and tries to drown the lifeguard.  It only results in two problems, rather than one.  


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Actually, maybe we should be *thanking* Billy Beane for keeping our rates lower:





Under orders to slash their water use in the fourth year of a statewide drought, Los Angeles residents and businesses have largely risen to the challenge.

But this week, Los Angeles Department of Water and Power officials said that because its customers have done such a good job saving, the agency is short on revenue.

To help fill in the gap, the Board of Water and Power Commissioners approved a pass-through charge that will require an average customer to pay about $1.80 more a month, beginning in 2016.

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I kind of feel like this is the sort of thing we shouldn't blame on livestock as much as it something we should blame on people.  The livestock were present in larger populations before humans were here and it never was a problem.  I think the problem is million reside in Southern California, a place that has enough water for thousands, and have thus decided to try and take Northern California's water in an effort to save itself.  


It's like the drowning man that grabs and tries to drown the lifeguard.  It only results in two problems, rather than one.  


I kind of feel like hiring Scotty to run the state of California's water resource management would be the equivalent of hiring Dr. Ben Carson to be your daughter's gynecologist.

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Things I give a shit about:

4,647,182 How long generic batteries last vs. duracel.

4,647,183 Billy Beane's water usage

4,647,184 The color of my mousepad.

4,647,185 The Kardashians

Screw you Doc, my mousepad is awesome. Far more awesome than disoposable batteries.

Billy Beane loves wasting water and that is why the clubhouse floods every year.

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