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Depression era Photos

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Depression era and WW2 era photos from inside America from the years 1935-1945 have been organized and uploaded to an interactive map of the USA.  They're sorted on the map by 'county' and there's about 170,000 photos in all.


The darker the shade of green, the more pictures contained.  Enjoy.




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My father grew up during the Great Depression. I will always believe that it forever shaped his paranoid aversion to spending money.


my dad grew up then, too. my dad is willing to spend his money, but he often approaches life like a poor person. even when he was making some money he looked for coupons and 2-for1 deals, and we'd eat at a smorgasboard by our house because it was all you can eat. when we go out to eat now, he eats every. single. bite. of food on his plate, no matter how long it takes (which is long) and no matter how long ago the rest of us finished (usually a while ago). he also talks a lot while he eats, so there's no such thing as a quick meal with him.

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my dad grew up then, too. my dad is willing to spend his money, but he often approaches life like a poor person. even when he was making some money he looked for coupons and 2-for1 deals, and we'd eat at a smorgasboard by our house because it was all you can eat. when we go out to eat now, he eats every. single. bite. of food on his plate, no matter how long it takes (which is long) and no matter how long ago the rest of us finished (usually a while ago). he also talks a lot while he eats, so there's no such thing as a quick meal with him.

My parents grew up during the depression as well.  My mom was a very generous person who would give the blouse off her back to anyone in need. The only time I would notice something odd would be when we would go out to eat.  She would grab all the sugar or cracker packs and put them in her purse.  I would roll my eyes and she would respond by saying that it came with the meal and we paid for it.

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My parents grew up during the depression as well.  My mom was a very generous person who would give the blouse off her back to anyone in need. The only time I would notice something odd would be when we would go out to eat.  She would grab all the sugar or cracker packs and put them in her purse.  I would roll my eyes and she would respond by saying that it came with the meal and we paid for it.


when my dad lived in taiwan, he would bring things back to give to us. a lot of times he ended up bringing sugar packets from a taiwan mcdonalds or plastic forks and spoons (usually used and sometimes with food debris still on them) from the same places. i have no doubt that's how he got his silverware for his apartment, which was fine to do. but bringing them back to us was weird.

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Man, thanks for posting this. What an awesome site.


I studied History in undergrad, Ancient History, but I still took plenty of American History courses. Historical photographs get me quite excited.

Edited by failos
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