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it's one game


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My big fear is the offense sleeping through an early exit because of the three days off.

their success was completely contingent on the offense performing.  The worst part was watching them miss hittable pitches.  I'll give them a game of jitters.  We'll see if we let them matrix there way thru the rest of this series.  

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Bug Selig totally screwed up the post-season.

The WC games should be the day after the season closes, and the ALDS should start the day after the WC game.

I was totally thinking the same thing. They allow a lot of rest for a team that snuck. Not that that's an excuse since we've had 4 days off but I think the WC game and DS should be back to back days. 

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The Angels went into this series already down 0-1. The minute they announced Wilson vs Shields in Game 3 everybody knew the result. That's why Game 1 was such a huge deal.


KC can complete the sweep tomorrow. 

If we win tomorrow by putting up some big runs, then I will have faith that we can win game 3. But that's hoping for a lot right now. Basically a complete turn around overnight.

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We will win with Shoe on the hill against the rookie Ventura. Ventura looked pretty bad against Oakland in the play-in game. The pressure will be too much for him. You can call me crazy, but I expect Wilson to be just good enough to throw 5-6 innings and hold KC to 2 or fewer runs. Shields is way overhyped and has not looked great down the stretch including being pretty average against a bad Oakland offense on Tuesday. He is the kind of pitcher we hit well. At 2-1 we are looking strong and have room for a loss at KC in game 4, with a return home and Shoe winning game 5.


Everyone needs to take a step back away from the cliff.

Edited by Tanana 40
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Brandon's conceding games in the future, pretty hard to win at anything in life when you do that, much less baseball.  It kind of like saying "I'm going to crash my car on the freeway on Sunday, I knew I shouldn't have bought a new car today."  You believe this kind of shit, yep it will happen for sure, Murphy's law.

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We will win with Shoe on the hill against the rookie Ventura. Ventura looked pretty bad against Oakland in the play-in game. The pressure will be too much for him. You can call me crazy, but I expect Wilson to be just good enough to throw 5-6 innings and hold KC to 2 or fewer runs. Shields is way overhyped and has not looked great down the stretch including being pretty average against a bad Oakland offense on Tuesday. He is the kind of pitcher we hit well. At 2-1 we are looking strong and have room for a loss at KC in game 4, with a return home and Shoe winning game 5.

Everyone needs to take a step back away from the cliff.

Kind of pitcher we hit well?

Did you see last night? Outside of maybe 3 at bats, NO ONE did jack at the plate ALL NIGHT!

How is that going to change so soon?

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