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I don't understand the gloating

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I'm not saying it's weird or anything that you guys are reacting this way to the A's game last night, it's obviously completely expected reactions, but it just really doesn't resonate with me personally. I've always respected their organization, and have had no reason to have negative feelings towards them.  I guess it's just hard for me to revel in other people's misfortunes, especially when I have respect for how generally well run their organization is.  I've always thought the A's have been great adversaries to the Angels and have helped create good memories in fights for the division.  I wouldn't have minded playing them in a series at all, it would've been fun to finally meet in the playoffs since it didn't happen in '02 (which I was both relieved and disappointed about.)  I suppose it's all harmless ribbing, but it was a one-game playoff, any team can lose like that at least once.  I'm not saying they haven't fallen off for the last couple of months as well, but it's not like the Angels haven't been there before themselves.


Anyway, I'm just getting some thoughts out, not trying to judge anyone.

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I try not to have thoughts and continuously judge everyone.


In case anyone is watching....


I'm not saying it's weird or anything that you guys are reacting this way to the A's game last night, it's obviously completely expected reactions, but it just really doesn't resonate with me personally. I've always respected their organization, and have had no reason to have negative feelings towards them.  I guess it's just hard for me to revel in other people's misfortunes, especially when I have respect for how generally well run their organization is.  I've always thought the A's have been great adversaries to the Angels and have helped create good memories in fights for the division.  I wouldn't have minded playing them in a series at all, it would've been fun to finally meet in the playoffs since it didn't happen in '02 (which I was both relieved and disappointed about.)  I suppose it's all harmless ribbing, but it was a one-game playoff, any team can lose like that at least once.  I'm not saying they haven't fallen off for the last couple of months as well, but it's not like the Angels haven't been there before themselves.


Anyway, I'm just getting some thoughts out, not trying to judge anyone.

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for me its simple.. im sick to friggin death of hearing about moneyball, the as, and all the related crap from the media pundits.
it will be nice to not have to listen to it anymore
though it also means none of them will be watching the games casue it blew up their spreadsheets and they can understand it anymore... but meh, i will be

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What is sports if you can't rub it in when your rival chokes?


This has always confounded me.  Especially when it's done amongst friends and/or associates.  The number of Kings fans that had their panties in a wad last year, over what I would consider good natured ribbing, was just astounding.  I think Thomas and Tank were the only 2 that "got it."


But hey ... whatever.  

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I don't have anything personally against Beane, just the overall copulation that the rest of baseball gives him.  The funniest part and the most enjoyable part of this collapse is watching all the "experts" who gave the A's a pass all the way to the ALCS try to explain this away. 

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for me its simple.. im sick to friggin death of hearing about moneyball, the as, and all the related crap from the media pundits.

it will be nice to not have to listen to it anymore

though it also means none of them will be watching the games casue it blew up their spreadsheets and they can understand it anymore... but meh, i will be


I don't really pay attention to sports media all that much anymore, but do people really still talk about Moneyball? They do know that book is like 11 years old now, right?  The impression I've more often gotten from the media is that it's the ones who hated it who can't stop dwelling on it as if it's still relevant in some way.

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I don't really pay attention to sports media all that much anymore, but do people really still talk about Moneyball? They do know that book is like 11 years old now, right?  The impression I've more often gotten from the media is that it's the ones who hated it who can't stop dwelling on it as if it's still relevant in some way.


all i know is whether they use the term "moneyball" or Beane or whatever... the endless string of As material is tiresome...

just this morning instead of writing about the upcoming DS Rosenthal is talking about Beanes next moves isntead of the game or the playoffs...

As a non As supporter, it gets really old fast.

Do they deserve credit for what theyve done, sure.. but so do a lot of teams, how about the job our front office did this year rebuilding the pen mid season and finding guys to step in.. not a peep, but the As.. oh my lets talk about the as some more.

its to the point id almost rather hear about the damn yankees

Edited by floplag
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The A's, and Billy Beane in particular, are the baseball equivalent of the foreign movie that critics love or Cat-shit coffee that is being overhyped and, if you don't "get it", derisive condescension soon follows.  I don't like them already because they are a rival in a the same division but that just adds something extra.  They had their chance to make it work, no go away. 

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I don't really pay attention to sports media all that much anymore, but do people really still talk about Moneyball? They do know that book is like 11 years old now, right?  The impression I've more often gotten from the media is that it's the ones who hated it who can't stop dwelling on it as if it's still relevant in some way.

I think most people let the book go but then the movie happened.

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all i know is whether they use the term "moneyball" or Beane or whatever... the endless string of As material is tiresome...

just this morning instead of writing about the upcoming DS Morosi is talking about Beanes next moves isntead of the game or the playoffs...

As a non As supporter, it gets really old fast.

Do they deserve credit for what theyve done, sure.. but so do a lot of teams, how about the job our front office did this year rebuilding the pen mid season and finding guys to step in.. not a peep, but the As.. oh my lets talk about the as some more.

its to the point id almost rather hear about the damn yankees


Yeah, I can see that since Beane has been kind of a celebrity GM. To be fair though, what the A's do with their payroll, is naturally going to be more interesting than what the Angels do with theirs.

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I don't have anything personally against Beane, just the overall copulation that the rest of baseball gives him.  The funniest part and the most enjoyable part of this collapse is watching all the "experts" who gave the A's a pass all the way to the ALCS try to explain this away. 


and yet, you don't understand ribbing between ucla and southern cal

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