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It's a trip to see old pics because just about everyone is in shape or at least not clinically obese. If you were to take side by sides of those same shots today it would be eye opening.

Or maybe not as it.would most likely be an Asian crowd where they don't eat/drink in excess like we do.


It's a trip to see old pics because just about everyone is in shape or at least not clinically obese. If you were to take side by sides of those same shots today it would be eye opening.

Or maybe not as it.would most likely be an Asian crowd where they don't eat/drink in excess like we do.

I've seen a picture on the interwebs somewhere that shows exactly what your talking about. It might have been on Shorpy or something.

I find the pics of the Phantom Boat ride in Tomorrowland a little disturbing. The guys in those old fashioned bathing suits and no shirt standing in that murky water.


Those are priceless!

One of my favorite parts of my Pirates of the Caribbean dvd is the extra footage on opening-day of the ride.  I used to love watching the old footage on Disney channel with Walt.

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